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Te Darasuum Mandalor

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Status Updates posted by Te Darasuum Mandalor

  1. Can you help make custom items for my mod?

  2. Can you help me and JM on a TC mod?

  3. Can you help me with my TC mod? I was told you'd help.

  4. can you plz moderate my new thread in Kavar's to make sure there are no offensive posts? It is the one about cancer and I don't wan anybody to say anything inapropriate because I know how many people have suffered from it (I lost my grandfather two years ago).

  5. Can you plz put my SW Christmas Carol in the archives? I posted a fresh copy a week ago!

  6. Can you plz tell me how to change my username? I see you changed yours.

  7. can you send me the lines for the modcast?

  8. Can you send me the VO's for my mod?

  9. can you show me Dustil first?

  10. Can you speak Elvish? I know Elvish and I am learning Mando'a

  11. canu add me to the VIP update list?

  12. CW starts soon! Gonna watch it?

  13. dd u do any skinning or moddeling over this weekend yet?

  14. Did I send you old Carth yet? Hows he coming around?

  15. Did u ask Vicky yet? The email I meant was the one about my grandfather being able to help with the mod. (he looks, sounds, and acts like Canderous)

  16. did u do any skins last night?

  17. did u email me your VO's yet Kreia?

  18. did u see the wacky discussion topic this month?

  19. did u start the two towers yet? I'm reading it now. I'm on Helm's Deep now.

  20. did ya get your name changed

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