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Te Darasuum Mandalor

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Status Updates posted by Te Darasuum Mandalor

  1. want some virtual pudding? I am making some right now.

  2. If I don't have time to actually mod for your mod, I can help with the creative tilt by doing modcasts for you, making trailers, composing music, writing fanfics, or even (in time) releasing things to the public that you want to. I can also be your manager (or agent) LOL.

  3. (This BBCode requires its accompanying plugin to work properly.)


    Happy Birthday man!

  4. You are interested in Philosiphy? I think that's awsome! I am interested in classic Philosify. Who was your favorite Greek/Roman thinker?

  5. are you still doing the Taris Middle City Mod?

  6. You are writing a KOTOR Novel? Can u plz name him Jacano Roush Ablis if you haven't decided on an official name yet?

  7. Srry, I kinda want him to have a fresh look, ya know?

  8. can u help me make a main menu for my mod?

  9. sure you can. But remember, only 3 characters or whatever i said in the rules, i think it may be four. Be sure to use them both if you make a second one though. Feel free to try my mando. wars casting call as well!

  10. I love your new avatar!

  11. sounds pretty bad. Want me to post a prayer request in LF Christians?


    Edit: did you pick up a copy of destroyer yet?

  12. did you see the characters for this mod yet?

  13. are you going to write a sequal?

  14. TJK SC. There is a thread in Howlan.

  15. My personal favorites are Plato and Cicero, I not only love Plato's sheer brilliance, but also find his Atlantis lore and symbolism fascinating.

  16. I see you added me as a friend on Facebook. I talked with my Dad, and he says I can get my own maybe on Saturday. If not, I will get a Twitter acount istead purely for blogging.

  17. Oh, I kinda wanted my character to have a sister.

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