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Dak Drexl

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Everything posted by Dak Drexl

  1. Joined. I guess I'll find out what it is soon haha

  2. Ohh, I was just in DC. How's the snow there? Ours is just about gone. It's been really nice out lately but of course I spend most of my time behind a keyboard lol

  3. Sorry, I will say I live in Anne Arundel county. Are you homeschooled now? And you'll be going to school next year or something like that?

  4. I'm working on my head mod and trying to figure out how to get spikes on the Emperor's helmet. I'd rather not say where I go to school. I'm sure you understand

  5. Sure I can change him to Republic.

    No, I'm not homeschooled, I go to a private school though. I'm on spring break right now. That's how I'm on my computer!

  6. I totally understand. I just took a screen of the better skin, sending to you shortly

  7. His model made NWMax crash for some reason, but no big deal. The changes I made were hardly noticeable. I gave him an improved skin though and it looks great. I want to give him his own clothes... would a reskin of Atton's clothes fit him?

  8. I may give it a go sometime. Probably not soon though, I'm having way too much fun modding. I'm improving on Ben Krass (or is it Crass?) right now and he looks better already

  9. Hmm, I've never heard of it. I used to be a HUGE Star Wars Galaxies fan, until the developers butchered it and I just stopped playing. Other than that, I've never even played another MMO.


    Edit: Ahh, Pirates of the Caribbean. I used to be a big fan of the ride whenever we went to Disney, lol. Few people now know that the movies are actually based on the ride!

  10. Yo,

    I'm driving home from Philly now, so I'll work on him a bit when I get home. Also, since I have all day and I can Now model heads, I think I'm going to revamp a couple characters and make them look a little more unique.

    About the modcast, I think you should talk about the story first, and what you hope to include in the mod, like Logan and his saber creation system. Anyway, I look forward to the modcast!

  11. Anne Arundel, pretty close by... I think :p

  12. lol, I'll send you them just because I feel like it

  13. Alrighty I joined and just scanned in my pics... I asked mandomercinary if I could post on there too just to be sure. Maybe someday they can be in your mod!

  14. Hey, joined the MandoPics social group :D

    Can we post our own drawings there too?


    I see you're from MD. Me too!

  15. Really? I have a couple sketches worth showing I guess. What's it called?

  16. Haha maybe, what is it?

  17. I like the spaceman skins, nice work!

  18. Well it should be 08, so I extracted ba_08 and mahl_08, but still same problem. Thank you, I'll contact BrianWee20.

  19. Hey, I need some help.

    Like I said before, I'll be including a reskin of your mando armors from K1 in a mod that I'm making. The thing is, I'm having trouble extracting just ONE set to work with. I don't really know what .mdl's/.mdx's match up with the .tga's you have. What I have done so far:

    Extracted Boba_armor01.tga, Boba_Helmet.tga, Boba_Armor.uti, and mahl01.mdl/.mdx.

    When I type "giveitem Boba_Armor", I get the item but I crash when I equip it. Can you tell me the correct files to work with? I'd really appreciate it!

  20. Yes! That's the look we were going for... obviously =P

  21. Haha well in that case, glad to be aboard! If you want to see examples of my skins just take a peek at The Jedi Knights thread.

  22. Sure I'd love to :D

    I can't do much more than skinning; I can do SOME .2da editing but despise it!

  23. Hey, I did Dustil's head... there wasnt much to do because he's still relatively young. Mainly I changed the eyes to match Carth, who I actually am improving on. I didn't stay up late because I had an 8am lacrosse tournament haha. What do you think for Dustil's clothes? I want to do something unique

  24. Good evening! I'm working on Dustil now, what'd you have in mind for clothes?

  25. Haha yes I do know who Dustil is. You said you want him to look older, but Dustil will still be pretty young in the mod, so I'm wondering what changes you think I should make. Also, what does Dustil do in the time period of the mod (job-wise)? I can make some custom clothes that fit in with whatever he does.

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