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Dak Drexl

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Everything posted by Dak Drexl

  1. Hey,

    Would you mind telling me the .2da entry for K1 style clothes? I would very much like to include that in my K1 head mod. I tried "K1_PMBIL" for modelb/texb but it just crashes my game. I'm not really sure because the only in-game model I can find is the female version. Thanks in advance!

  2. Hope you like the skin :)

  3. I'm there now if you still feel like chatting.

  4. Okay, I'll just do that. You've been helpful. Thank you :D

  5. Chat? What forum

  6. I'm really sorry to keep bugging you, but I have a lot of screenshots and when I click add more screenshots, it says the 30-minute window has expired. I was only on for a few minutes :confused:


    Edit: I dunno if it's a no-no to re-submit files, but I did and the screenshots didn't work the second time either. Sorry once again for being a pain.

  7. Thanks again. Now to re-submit :p

  8. Sure, I'll send you some screens soon. I'll also try to figure out sidious as I work on other stuff.

  9. Hey,

    I messaged Shem already but I see you're online now:


    This may be an odd request, but do you think you could reject the files I submitted today on kotorfiles? Just forgot some stuff I wanted to add. Thanks!


    Oh, and it's "Dak's Big Skin Pack".

  10. Hey,

    This may be an odd request, but do you think you could reject the files I submitted today on kotorfiles? Just forgot some stuff I wanted to add. Thanks!


    Oh, and it's "Dak's Big Skin Pack".

  11. Got it. Thank you :thmbup1:

  12. Hey,

    I registered for galaar studios but I haven't gotten my conformation e-mail. It's been about a week. Could you look into it for me? :)

  13. Something about a GFF editor :eek:


    I'm too lazy so I'll just say use cheats. New mod coming out :thmbup1:

  14. DAMN I always miss you. Perhaps tomorrow xD


    I need help with something anyway. Can you script custom items into specific containers in TSL? I need your help!!

  15. Hehe, sorry, ignore my PM. Didn't work out quite so well :¬:

    I often speak too early. Thanks anyway.

  16. Thanks I appreciate it. For transitions, you might want to check out the transitions in my PC head mod... Download that and check them out if you want. That's how I handle ds transitions - I hate the zombie style ones too. I have been adding the blue veins to my more recent skins also.


    Also, I finished the male versions of bounty hunter clothes. I used 3 different models and I think they all look great. I *might* have 4 female versions, but I can't decide if I like them - they all use Mira's model. Want me to send what I've done so you can take a peek? Like I said the male ones are done.


    Oh, and is the emperor supposed to be sideous?

  17. It's no problem I understand.


    The changes on Zorin are subtle, but I think they're effective. The only thing you may or may not want to change yourself is the color saturation of the eyes if you know what I mean (they might be too bright for what you want). Let me know what you think of it.

  18. Hey, just wondering what model viewer do you use to take your screenshots? Do you just use 3ds or whatever or do you use that one someone made that's floating around here somewhere?

  19. can you get to hss chat?


    Nevermind, I guess you missed me. I e-mailed you Zorin.


    Oh, also I decided to drop the Discple's clothing as one of the skins... unless you liked that. But I'm going to replace it with another regular commoner clothes for the reason you gave in the PM.

    Hope you like Zorin :)

  20. tryina chat?

  21. I just wanted to let you know, I used your sig in an english paper I just wrote. Yes random, but just thought you should know :D

  22. Sure, I'll send you a picture, but I don't really know how to finish him... you'll see what I mean when I send you the screenshot. I think he looks pretty cool as-is though. Also, do you want all the files I already made for you, or not until your computer is un-virused? (unless it already is)

  23. I was at practice!! Hopefully tonight we can have a little get-together

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