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Dak Drexl

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Everything posted by Dak Drexl

  1. The batsuit, tricky indeed...


    Er, I hate to take advantage of your power, but I messed up a file submission.... again. You know what to do by now :D

    Last time I promise.

    The Duros one...

  2. Oh wow that is a cool armor. Of course yours has that great texture work I can't seem to get ahold of :p

    On another note, your skin received some serious stats in the mod. Thanks for letting me include it.

  3. Hey, just saw your post. You can go ahead and release it on its own if you like, but I'd also like to include it in the pack. Credit will be given obviously.

  4. Just please send the new files to DakDrexl@gmail.com whenever you finish. I haven't used that other e-mail in over a year hehe. Thanks :)

  5. I've been out of school for two weeks :D

    Ok but I don't have very long.

  6. Hehe congrats bud. Now go mod :D

  7. Well I did in fact upload it today :(

    But it's ok I asked one of the moderators on Kfiles if they would not approve it so we can fix it :)

    It's pretty late here now and the files are on my other computer so I will e-mail you them tomorrow, but the account i sent you stuff on before won't let me send an .exe file for some reason so I will be sending you the TSLPatcher version of the mod from another e-mail so do not be surprised and delete it haha.


    Also, please don't rush the mod if you don't want to. Take as long as you need, there is no rush. I just appreciate that you're helping.

  8. Hey, let me know your e-mail if you want that Duros head, since you requested it.

  9. Wow, you really went above and beyond there. I was expecting a simple spawn item, but what you did is really awesome :)

    Thank you, and I won't forget to mention your help when I release the mod.


    Oh, and I'll take your recommendations for the item's stats as well.

  10. How do I make an item not restrict force powers?

  11. I'm back on chat

  12. Sure lets hear it. What's up man?

  13. Sure that'll be cool. I won't be home until later but feel free to send it over.

  14. Sorry man I would but I'm just heading out. I'll catch you tomorrow. My last day of school :)

  15. E-mailed you the skins in a ZIP. Just don't forget to credit me somewhere please. Glad I could help.

  16. Fancy a chat?

  17. Hahah I know but they might never be completed if you know what I'm getting at... :¬:

  18. lol I totally agree :shads3:

  19. Mod of the year 2010? :p

  20. me n holty are on chat @ holty if you wanna join

  21. Thanks :D

    It will find a nice home in the Mandalorian Assault mod.

  22. What do you think of this guy?

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