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Dak Drexl

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Everything posted by Dak Drexl

  1. Did you see the beta in my camo armor thread? I know you wanted it before so there it is :D

  2. THOSE ARE SO GOOD!! You've been hiding this from me all this time...

  3. Ah, good strategy :)

  4. Everyone will download though :D

    BTW, don't sell yourself short with your skins. I'm sure they're good.

  5. Power out -_-

    at least I saved.

  6. Hey, I'm following your tutorial to make some Jedi General armor. How do I open the -ascii file? It looks like you're using notepad. How do I do that?

    Edit: Nevermind :D

  7. Sorry, I'm working on something super-intense right now. I'll probably be on later though.

  8. I'd be happy to if you need me.

  9. I'll certainly be using this... I've always liked Republic stuff.

  10. good idea, so you get the .uti in your locker at the start of the game or something?

  11. Oooh, very nice, but the red may be a little too bright for me. Also check your gray splotches. Glad you seemed to have gotten your CD's back :D

  12. It's cut off from the neck down for some reason... it could just be my computer though.

  13. It seems like the screenshot won't load :confused:

    Try providing the link or putting it in spoiler tags.

  14. Well best of luck with that. I can't wait for my next playthrough of TSL with all this restored content and what not and in no small part due to you. Nice work.

  15. Hehe, I was only kidding, but I'm sure someone will do it shortly thanks to you.

    Malachor VI? Do you mean V or are you working on something new?

  16. You really found something cool with your new tutorial. Awesome job there. I look forward to "Real Armored Robes" by VP :p

  17. Like the avatar!

    You have good taste, my friend :thmbup1:

  18. sorry I took a while. I'm there now.


    Eh, catch you tomorrow.

  19. Haha well no problem. You're definitely one of the most helpful ones out there in my opinion so I thought you deserved it. Just keep up the great work over there, alright?

  20. Haha thanks I just made it a few days ago. You can't beat Indiana Jones with a lightsaber. Unstoppable :D

  21. I would but I'm on my phone now hehe

  22. Sorry I can't I'm supposed to be doing homework lol :D

  23. Posted in TA social group :D

  24. fancy stopping by at galaar?

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