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Dak Drexl

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Everything posted by Dak Drexl

  1. I think RedRob was going to create all of the models (sm, med, lrg, male, female) and ship 'em to me for.. whatever I do. So he's the man that knows, but I could try if you want (his would be way better though).


    As for the dark jedi head, do you mean the hood thingy?

  2. Lol I'm not sure either :xp: you should learn, once you get the hang of it it's really fun! You should look at this new thread someone started up, I think you'll like what you see!

  3. Hey, I haven't modeled in a while but I'd be happy to try for you. Just don't expect it anytime soon because I have a lot of stuff to do (helping with Shadows of the Empire, my own mods, and of course real life).

  4. Just right-click the picture and save it, then convert it to a .tga so you can use it.

  5. Sorry I just got off before you sent that :/

  6. got it, so both outdoor modules and the palace too? I have some cool ideas for the palace, but what's it supposed to be? Anyway e-mailing you the skins now.

  7. Awesome I can't wait. Just let me know when you need me to help out with the Tusken model if you're still going to use it.

  8. Sorry I'm not sure what you mean?

  9. Hey, I think I'm going to use your TOR skin of my model for Kavar's appearance in my next skin pack if that's cool with you. Thanks!

  10. :D I told you I liked this one. I'll send you the files later tonight if you want...
  11. I was lazy so I just put them all on one pic :p


  12. Thanks bro, I've never really taken my time on facial hair so this should come in handy.

  13. Where've you been man?

  14. Solid, sounds good to me.

  15. You get my e-mail about a week back? Any thoughts?

  16. Now that's a hell of a song :rock:

  17. I *think* I should be able to add the hood to the model by taking the one from Jolee's clothes as recommended by j7. That is if the ascii code permits or else I'm stumped.


    Don't worry about the timetable, I've been swamped with schoolwork lately anyway.

  18. I don't really know much about how the bones will affect the model once I play with it, but I'd guess that you shouldn't have to play with them yourself and only move the necessary verts and whatever.


    I'm excited to see how the female looks, it's nice to be working with you! :D

  19. Hm, I'm not sure why it would do that but sometimes when you merge models (which is basically how I fixed it up) that tends to happen. But yeah, that would be fine if you were to make the models and then just send them to me. Just sounds easier :)

    Are you going to adjust the models so that we have female ones too? Because that would be a big help because I haven't had much time on my hands.



  20. Hm, do you mean put the hood onto the back of the sand person model? I dunno it really depends if it's its own (I can't think of the right word for it right now, so I'll say "thing"). If the hood has its own line in the model's ascii then yes. If not, I don't know how :(


    Don't worry at all about the skin for my model, I'm just happy that I get it when I have some time to finish the mod... haven't had much time to mod lately with schoolwork and college applications! It's really crazy :migraine:


    Best of luck moving countries, I'm sure that's got to be tough. I'll work on the models as soon as I get a free moment.

  21. Yes it will use the same skin.


    I agree about the DJ male legs, they look like he has spandex :xp: I'd be happy to toy around if you want, I'll see what I can come up with. I'll be doing the female jedi model first though.

  22. I'm glad you like it! It was a great idea to use that model (props to redrob for making it of course), I can't wait to see the skins for it. As for the female, I guess it would be easiest if I just did it.


    And that skin for my model looks great too! Thanks so much for that, I gotta try to get that mod finished up...


    Edit: p.s. Would you be interested in me playing with the hooded dark Jedi model so it can be a normal equipable item like the tusken? I might have a go with it because I see you're using in in FFK1. Dunno if you wanted the hood though.

  23. Sure I can do a female version. You want the same model just edited right? Do you want me to edit it, or just do the head/anims and send it to candy to edit? I'm just now putting finishing touches on the male so check your e-mail soon!

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