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Dak Drexl

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Everything posted by Dak Drexl

  1. Lol ok. I think I have a look going thats pretty good, but you'll be the judge... I'll have it done today or tomorrow

  2. Yo, do you want the apartments to be colorful?


    They are only a little bit colorful :)

  3. Hey,

    I was wondering if I could include your Malak > Vader skin in a mod? Thanks!

  4. I think it's called gmax render suite beta. Let me know if you can find it/get it to work.


    Edit: Just google "how to render in gmax" or something. You'll get a ton of stuff.

  5. Do you want to send me the Yoda skin?



    And I have an idea that you can help with if you want. I'm making a bunch of new weapons that you see in the movies and I want them to be sold by a merchant. I just don't know who it should be or where :p

    Any ideas?

  6. hm thats weird I downloaded the links fine... I would dl them and e-mail them to you but for some reason my email doesn't let me send .exe files, so no TSLPatcher :(

  7. Yeah it's scripts and I'll let you know what ones once I read up on my tutorials :p


    And here the links work for me:



  8. I'm going to need your help recruiting Lando. And sorry but I don't have any of my released mods on my computer :/

  9. Sure, I'd love to have you help out. The thing is I can't really think of anything for you to do unless you're good at scripting :p


    Honestly if you can think of anything cool it's more than welcome in the mod.

  10. Yo, I was creepin on your visitor messages :xp:

    I see you're having trouble with your sabers; are you using mdlops 5? 6 for some reason DOESN'T work with sabers.

  11. I guess you're talking about like in my Shadow Trooper - all I did was use the "overlay" function in GIMP and applied a bunch of layers of black over the white. Now after I did that it still had white splotches in the very bright areas, so I used the "Smudge" tool to blend the white into the alpha channel to make it look like highlights. You'll notice it in the picture, especially on the thighs and the middle of the nose.


    I use overlay probably the most of any function and talk about it in my little tutorial . I'm sure you don't need the tut because of what I've seen you seem like an awesome skinner, but it at least shows you where the overlay function is :)


    Hope this helps.

  12. Hey, sorry to bother, but did you decide if I could use your T-21? I'm beginning to place weapons in the game. Thanks again.

  13. Sorry, busy living a life :p

  14. Sorry, haven't really been around lately. Like the new avvy, even if it kinda scares me :p

  15. Sorry, haven't really been around lately.

  16. Hello, welcome to the forums!

  17. Made the Shadow guard staff thingy.

  18. Hey Seikan,

    Do you think I could use your Mandalorian helmet from your new mod to create something like this? I might end up editing the model a little, if that's okay with you. Or, if you'd rather edit it yourself you're more than welcome to.


    Thanks in advance!

  19. I would say yes but I think LDR wanted to do it already... I would ask him. Wanna go to chat at Holty?

  20. Haha I can't! I'm on my phone.

  21. No changes at all, I just think it would fit nicely as a "big" gun for something like this. And here is the WIP thread for the mod: http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?t=204703


    Edit: Check this out: http://www.lucasforums.com/showpost.php?p=2740279&postcount=45

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