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Everything posted by Holty1-5

  1. Yeah soory about that Dak i miss read youre last vistor Message

    You said when ive finished them il email the TGA's to you

    I thought you said Ive Finished them and il email blah blah ;)

  2. HEY Dak did you ever send me the email with the Mando skins, If you did it may be properlem i may have mispely my email or somthin :D just say if you have already sent it and il re-send my email 2 u :p

  3. Hi ive been reading your Fan fics and i have a few words of advice for you.


    You seem to have too many projects at once, right now im working on a 28 chapter Fic im up to chapter 6 and already done over 3000 words, I suggest instead of putting 3 small chapters up you combine them to a single chapter


    I hope this has helped you im not much of a writer but feel free to send me a PM of you work before you post it if you want some feedback before you release to the world ;)

  4. and i just posted in the Discussion :D


    + Have u seen the dialouge yet? :D

  5. You can view it in my Album called TCRC i put it in there for no reason lol!

  6. Logan sis you see the PM i sent :p

  7. Just Mixs colours like The white bits on one could become red

    and the blue/gold/red buts could become Black or somthing

  8. Invite to TMLS accept when the skins are ready il contact you with what i need you to work on :D

  9. Revan say ur post on BOS:SR saying you didnt know how to hid things

    dont tell me as i havnt played the mod yet but heres what you do first write spoiler below


    then put [*hidden*] Text [/*hidden*]

    (without the stars)


    and it should be like this


    Spolier Below

    Show spoiler
    (hidden content - requires Javascript to show)
    Blah blah blah Hope this helps :D
  10. Hey dak i have a job for you to do for TMLS

    what i need is about 16 different and new mandalorian skins :D

    hopes it not to much trouble

    you can pick the colours and style

    My Only request is for a Black one :D

  11. For helpful comments in one of ma threads :D

  12. Yeah... i dont know how to attach Files to PM'S lol

  13. Hey Just Finished doing the soilder Re-skins

    i made 4 sith soilders 1 will require you to add a new line to the apperence.2DA

    and i re-skinned the Soilder re-skins to this colour scheme

    Red is now Blue

    Yellow is now brown

    So how am i ment to get these files to u

  14. Funnt i was just fixing some things myself...

    Too bad i already Published part 1 lol

    But still gives me ta feedback so i can update it in the Part 2

  15. hey why havnt u responded to my PM

  16. hey why havnt u responded to my PM

  17. Hey what cha think of this Pic i made

    feel free to use it as a sig or somthing i think it suits you ;)

    Show spoiler
    (hidden content - requires Javascript to show)


    feel free to use it as a sig or somthing

  18. Dak!!!!! your mod!!!! On kotorfiles!!!! Is Up!!!!!!! and its got good comments!!!!! And i posted one!!!!!

    But you had big shoes to fill lets just say your mod is the first mod to be released on the site After the TSL:RCM {restord content mod} good luck :p

  19. No need to be sorry dude you've properly been working on it longer :p

    i just changed it to a Recruit Mekel mod

    Mekel is my Fav character in the kotor series :D

  20. hey VP nominated you for the helpful Badge and it looks like you got it!


  21. Theres a Lot more simpler way Dude :D


    Open Apperence 2DA and find the Mando apperence

    and make a new line then all you have to is change the texture name

    Save and put it in your overide

    IN KOTOR tool options select use 2DA in your override

    Then open your UTI

    Then add property Disgues and select your new line

    And Bob's your uncle


    was that a mouthful or what (Its easy than how it sounds :D)

  22. just read that your working on recruiting ajunta pall...

    Damn i was working on somthing like that too lol :D

    but il change as im sure you'll do it with better quality :D

  23. Meh. worked on a few small skinning jobs nothing major yet :p

  24. It somthimes takes a few days.

    mainly becuase a staff member has to accept it or somthing.

    :D i have had around 10 files expired

    so just wait :D

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