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Mandalorian Mercenary

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Status Updates posted by Mandalorian Mercenary

  1. My thought for the day:


    Why does everybody want to be Mandalore??? Everywhere I look I see Te _______ Mand'alor. (Fill in the blank) The Mandalore doesn't really fight on the front lines! If you become Mandalore, you basically give up most of your battles.


    What's the point?!?!



    Lol, I've wondered that exact same thing for a long time. The Mandalore is just a figurehead as you said, he doesn't really hold any power over the clans of Manda'yaim.

  2. Alright. Ask Ulm'ika, he's quite knowledgeable too.

  3. Well from what I understand about that whole mess, you download a program called Google Sketchup, then locate any available clone assassin helmet meshes from there. Then you do a bunch of fancy stuff, convert the mesh a couple times with different programs, and it's finally ingame.


    Hockey is really the master of that whole area, he's the one who got all the new weapons ingame. Although I'm pretty sure Prudii was the one who found the meshes..anyways, check with those two; they'll be glad to help :) Sorry I couldn't be of any more assistance, I'm kinda limited to skinning and some Mandalorian history..

  4. So I noticed. If you happen to be able to find an Airborne trooper helmet mesh and get it into RC, I can color it. Check out my picture album, I drew a 2nd Division paratrooper you might like. :D

  5. How'd you change the little bar under your name to "Geth Infilitrator"?

  6. Ya, half the time I'm surprised my head hasn't exploded yet :p

  7. yes, it somehow appeared there. No idea where in fierfek it came from, but yeah; it's definately there.

  8. *smacks head* No, I haven't vod; terribly sorry! Once they're done, do you want me to send the lines I've done so far to you so you can put them in-game? (I assume you deem them satisfactory enough?)

  9. I can do a Sev voice pretty well. Got any sample lines of what you want it to sound like?

  10. Thank you very much! took like 6 hours


    EDIT: do you think I should just draw on textures?

  11. Noticed your post on Hockey's profile, that'd be a fun thing to know how to do. I mean, who wouldn't want to see a rabid clone trooper running down the hallway with a knife? :p

  12. Do you play RC a lot? If you feel like it, you may want to join our mod team; Carbonite Modders :) Browse around LF and you'll find it. We have some guys in the group who don't do nuthin, so don't worry ;)

  13. Hey ner vod; check out my clone airborne picture in my picture album :) I wanna know if you like it, maybe I will just draw on textures if everyone thinks I'm good enough for the job!

  14. Hmm ya probably single player. Bralor made the one zombie skin, he'll probably make more if you ask. Did you see the skins I made? :D


    Nazi zombies for RC? hmmm?

  15. hah that's exactly what i thought :D

  16. Just e-mailed you the shock trooper skin at your new email address, and I'm about to record those lines you want and send em to you :D


    EDIT: A screen shot in Unrealed would be nice :)

  17. Guess that's why he's the ultimate. Did he win?

  18. Vod could you PLEASE make some tutorials on what you do in gimp to make the clone's armor have scratches, etc.?! You're skins are pure awesome!

  19. I like that reveal trailer! Although I was rather sad I didn't hear my lines..but hey, there's always the next trailer! :D

  20. Sure! Just tell me what to draw and I'm on it! :D

  21. Actually, I messed up on the helmet the first around :p I've just re-emailed the FIXED helmet (the final one this time). If you could replace the old helmet texture with the new one I sent you, I'd greatly appreciate it :D

  22. Profile pic...is....HOT! :p

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