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Lynk Former

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Everything posted by Lynk Former

  1. refer to the thread Jeff started in the lfn guild forum

  2. we're not going to be using that server and instead using one with a better name

  3. Happy Bday... now hurry up and add me on skype :carms: Also, post more on the TOR forums :carms:

  4. I don't understand the question... if you've already entered in your pre-order code and have downloaded the client then there's nothing left to do to get into the Early Access period.


    Once you get your physical copy of the game then you can enter in your games serial number and get the free 30 day subscription for the game.

  5. The reason it stopped is because you've downloaded 100% of the game.


    Now the reason why you're not able to access the game is because there's nothing to access at the moment until you get into Early Access (provided that you pre-ordered the game and have input your pre-order code into your account at the swtor.com site). And remember what I said in that thread, you'll know when you're in by the email that is sent to you informing you that you have access to the Early Access period.


    THEN you can start playing the game... otherwise, at the moment, the client will just keep showing you that message.

  6. Got my version 2 VF-25F in today... damn, Bandai did excellent work on this, looks so damn sleek and sexy.



  7. *looks around* just bought the v2 VF-25F... gonna go after the VF-25S when that comes out too :p

  8. Okay... so here's what I have so far in the order I bought them... all 1/60 scale unless stated otherwise...


    - VF-1A Hikaru DYRL with Super/Strike parts

    - YF-19 Isamu

    - YF-21 Guld

    - Destroid Tomahawk

    - Destroid Defender

    - SDF-1 Macross DYRL version (1/3000)

    - VF-19kai Fire Valkyie

    - Quaedluun-Rau Miria type

    - Miria figure 3 set - one for the pilot inside of her Quaedluun-Rau and the other standing outside... not using the wedding dress version that came with it.

    - Amoured Klan figure (1/72ish scaled), big boobs are big.

    - Macross Quarter (have no idea what the scale of this is but it's almost as big as the SDF-1, so about four times as big as it should be next to it)

    - YF-29, came with own stand

    - Sound booster for Fire Valkyrie (BOMBA!!)

    - Also coming soon in November, the super parts for the YF-29 which I'm already paid for in full.

    - Three Yamato Macross stands - two black, one gray/yellow.


    And for the future I want the VF-25 series and the VF-17...

  9. So I got myself the armoured Klan figure, the Macross Quarter toy, Queadluun-Rau (Milia type) and a Milia figure set to go with it... and now I'm looking to get a YF-29 as well lol... and I'm thinking of also getting a SV-51 Nora type as well... maybe, haven't made a decision on that one yet.


    And yeah... gonna buy the version 2 VF-25 series as well... and definitely get the VF-17 by Yamato lol. It's gonna be an awesome year for Macross toys for me XD

  10. Maybe it'll be a good idea to pick up a VF-25S Ozma type if the version 2's turn out to be really good.


    Also, since 30th anniversary is on the way there's a good chance that Yamato will renew the VF-1 series Valkyries so a DYRL VF-1S Roy type might be within reach again :p

  11. Lots of exciting things happening with 1/60 scale Macross toys lately... The VF-17 Nightmare coming soon from Yamato, Sound Booster being released later this month for the VF-19kai (which I've already pre-ordered) and then the version 2 release of the VF-25 series from Bandai which looks to be a HUGE improvement over the original versions and may actually be worth getting...


    On my end, I've just bought a Queadluun-Rau (Miria type), a separate 1/60 scale Miria set that comes with 3 figures, one to put inside the Queadluun-Rau and then the other two is Miria in her flight suit to stand and pose and one in her wedding dress... which I won't be displaying lol. But it's cool cause it comes with a version of Miria that you can stand properly and is to scale with all of my Valkyries :D


    Can't wait for the VF-17 though, gonna be so awesome... also can't wait for the Macross Frontier license to inevitably transfer to Yamato.

  12. Also... take a look at this: http://www.yamato-toys.com/dev/cont_095/img/photo31b.jpg


    That's the sticker sheet for Basara's VF-19Kai... notice something? It has the New UN Spacy emblems on there! Taking that and adding it to the recent reveal of the VF-17D coming from Yamato... XD It looks like they're already preparing to take over the Frontier line from Bandai...

  13. so anyway... back to skype

  14. whatcha gonna do about it, huh? huh?

  15. also, i'm in your profile, spamming your profile chat

  16. You know what you should do? You should join my forum: http://www.twilightlynk.com/forums/ so we can talk more about Dead Space... I've already posted up many Dead Space related entries on my blog you might be interested in: http://www.twilightlynk.com/2011/01/29/game-spotlight-dead-space-2/


    all of the links to the other ones are in the first paragraph :p

  17. I know it's not funny and in many ways it's really sad and disturbing, but I can't help but laugh my ass off.

  18. I saw the post and wanted to post pretty much the same thing but I don't really like posting in Kavar's so I stopped myself... then tried to get mim to post a response but he's too much of a slowpoke XD

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