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Lynk Former

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Everything posted by Lynk Former

  1. I find it strange that you're so afraid of me banning you when I have no reason to nor would I want to... I mean, to be honest, I don't think you're the kind of person who would openly break the rules unless you just made a mistake somewhere and didn't know. In fact, you could probably get away with more things on the forum with me than a lot of the other mods/supermods/admins on the forum.


    Relax, you've got nothing to worry about.

  2. Just for the record, I didn't close, change or use any mod/admin powers on any of your threads. I just happen to be the guy you don't like.

  3. Hell no, this forum is based around opinions, whether they are agreeable or not... and where does it say I don't like Star Wars? The Source for this must be shown for it to have any validity.

  4. It's pretty popular, though I guess mostly old skool gamers would be into Castlevania. That'll probably end up changing once the new Castlevania: Lords of Shadow for PS3 and 360 comes out.



  5. bleah, looks like it's midnight tonight this time as well... but we're still gonna be up for some odst *points*

  6. Hi hun, looks like I won't be coming home early tonight like I thought cause my team leader ain't here. I'll be home at midnight (for me), but you still better be up for some ODST *points* don't make come over there and bitch slap you awake.


    Okay, love you, bye, bye





    ..........................*looks around*

  7. ...a cat *looks around*

  8. A cat is not a pony.

  9. ...deal with it.

  10. blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

  11. "But he's right - tech forum is like the Switzerland of LF :p"


    Apparently I'm not welcome in Switzerland then...

  12. Not really considering that the new MGS game had me interested in getting one in the future to begin with :p and you and I already talked about that on msn when E3 was on anyway :p

  13. Jeff smells likes naked loli...


    This message is brought to you all the way from Fiji.

  14. Hey Rebel, recently darky discovered that the Scramble Wars vob he posted in the VIP lounge of c3f ages ago was actually leaked and is now on several torrent sites on the net... not only that but the torrent sites have a copy and paste of a description of Scramble Wars I posted up on BGCC a very long time ago.


    We're asking everyone who had access to that forum if they know anything or have shared their vid with anyone that could've caused this to occur... so ya know anything? XD

  15. I know :D It's so much more awesome than just a jumble of random numbers.

  16. Remember Niner, we staff are forged by Satan himself!

  17. *looks @ your sig addition* Waaaaait a second... you've been stealing my jokes, Jae :p

  18. There's more chance of it having it befween PC and 360 and even then it'll never happen XD

  19. got msn or skype?

  20. Dammit... i posted it in my own profile... *posts here*


    Wanna try RE5 demo again?

  21. Wanna try RE5 demo again?

  22. I dunno... my level of eliteness is well pass the simple secret handshake thing XD

  23. I dunno... are you elite enough for me to be able to speak to you? Cause I don't deal with people who aren't elite...

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