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Lynk Former

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Everything posted by Lynk Former

  1. pm me your msn address and i'll add ya

  2. ...that's a shame. I was hoping we could make you feel welcomed and hopefully get to know each other better. I mean, personally I know very little about you and haven't really encountered you that much in threads. Oh well...

  3. Oh... you'll pay... you'll pay good!


    I think about 2 bucks should cover it.

  4. You killed my father!

  5. *squeezes bob's tummy to make him squeak*



  6. get on skype, nao :p

  7. .................you say that, but then that smilie you have at the end is suggesting something entirely...different.

  8. That's cause you're in love with me... but I'm sorry, I can't return that love... or want to in any way.

  9. Don't badmouth me behind my back you coward! *gloveslaps you* Sir, I demand satisfaction!

  10. Yeah, I was talking about this with Jeff when I remembered what you were doing... and then I said "Well what does she expect?"


    Of course your fees are gonna be huge, considering what you're doing. This isn't exactly standard schooling you're doing, it's some very important specialist stuff... The reason it costs so much is because it's extremely important.

  11. Something tells me you're being ripped off, Bee. No one pays that much. We get a lot of foreign students from very poor countries and if things cost that much then we wouldn't have any of them over here.

  12. Australian students have to pay too you know.

  13. No, you guys have already borrowed enough money from everyone else... I think it's time to stop doing that.

  14. I thought Australia was the one who poured money into your country...

  15. Yes it did.


    Bee Hoon... anti-hoon laws... we don't want you in Australia :p

  16. .........we have anti-hoon laws in Australia.

  17. hurry up and fix the link.

  18. Maybe it's best if you post your work up in CEC rather than sending it to me. I'm not interested in fan fiction

  19. Why am i not an internet superhero?

  20. Yeah, it's a damn shame it'll never happen... the only thing we have recently is Ace Frontier on the PSP

  21. *attaches a large cannon to your chest*


    modification complete!

  22. I feel whole again!!

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