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Status Updates posted by Sabretooth

  1. Thanks! We got commandos and snipers in position outside the Taj. Situation is tense. But I'll be safe. :D

  2. That is an excellent idea, Sir Litofsky! TO GREENWICH! TO GREENWICH!

  3. That is correct. Skype is as free as the wind, although you will need to shell out money for contacting peoples' cellphones.

  4. That is only because I am your wittul brother. o_Q

  5. That will be well. Are you writing any fiction yourself? I do not recall seeing any of your works in the Entertainment Centre...

  6. That will indeed be awesomesauce, Bee. :D

  7. The :D wouldn't exactly be a very elegant way to end a sarcastic post, would it? :p You is too paranoid!

  8. The one true language and glory of the Maratha Empires, the legendary language of Marathi.

  9. The people, they love me!

  10. Theatrics, my friend. Till Lindemann from Rammstein is a trained pyrotechnic. They don't let just anybody wear those dragon masks!

  11. There is too much Beetalk in your visitor message wall Litofsky! Allow me to lend a helping hand.

  12. There was a Physics class and then I ninja'd before a Maths class. :ninja2:

  13. There you go sir, a free visitor message.

  14. Things have been alright, I suppose, nothing much to say. :p

  15. This I will get also.

  16. This is me. This is I. This is the author of this comment.

  17. This is Zombocom. Welcome to Zombocom.

  18. thtrh is my favourite LucasArts game too!

  19. tk detected. Sending fighters to intercept.

  20. Tokyo Magnitude 8.0, y/n?

  21. Two thumbs up for that avatar, you have won my mind.

  22. U wll onli faind aut if u come ^_^

  23. Uh sir, you're interrupting our breakfast. We never discuss business while we're eating.

  24. Updated your thread with my faction, even before they updated their main site's news section with the info. Now we're definitely fast. :D

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