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Status Updates posted by ChAiNz.2da

  1. Also, if you'd like a nice "guide" Use the lips from either the Atris, Visa or the Bastila head skin in TSL's resources. It's not considered porting.. and either of those 3 lip sets are close to Mission's. After swapping the lips.. raise the upper lip's crest just a smidge and you have Mission's lips :D


    If you're not sure what I mean by crests.. open Mission's skin from K1 and you'll notice that her upper lip has a sharper 'peak' (like mountain). That's the 'crest' (technically the philtrum). Or if you want a flowery description.. the "Cupid's Bow" ;)

  2. anytime :)

    Going to go ahead and split the thread as well. Seems like a decent enough topic for Kavars ;)

  3. awesome! great news! :D

    I wished I was more help, but my modding skills are rusty. I hope the tuts came in handy :)

  4. aww, garsh, golly, gee whiz... hehehe. :D

    No prob luv, I was astonished to see so many Swampies return in one fell swoop! Almost as spectacular as spotting Haley's comet :lol:

  5. but..but..bu... I already have one :giveup:

    Best darn Blu-Ray player on the market, PLUS a gaming console.. couldn't pass up that kind of deal.. ;) hehehe


    Friends again? :D

  6. Definitely will! Using one of those lame low-to-no countdown mods atm but it's got that "cheaty" feeling so I've almost been ignoring my shouts because I know I'll spam them :lol:


    I'm liking your formula :D

  7. Did you even read your response? And you still say you did nothing wrong? I suggest you either read or re-read the rules, calm down the temper and watch what you type.


    If you continue your habits, your stay will be short.

  8. Dude.. I'll pay for the gas ;)


    Kinda getting impatient (read: pissed) that's it's taking so long. Should've been Beth's first concern. They know how ape the modding community is for the ES games (me being one of them) *sigh*

  9. ehostpros? yeah, I have really good business with them for several years now. They have better deals now than even when I signed on, so you can really get some decent site specs with their deals nowadays :D


    You can purchase a domain name (like I did) but I believe they also offer sub-domains within their domain too. :)

  10. ermm.. I'm almost afraid to see where this is gonna go :xp: hehehe


    To be honest, I'm not a huge fan of it. I don't dislike it, but given the choice between chocolate or citrus-y (fruit) sweets.. I'll pass on the hershey bar and go for the skittles :lol:


    NOW, peanut butter is a different story. I go coo-coo for peanut butter :drool1:

  11. ha.. I wish. :xp:

    Unfortunately, while the family has a history of wreaked genes and cootie wars, we also have a history of high recovery, damn it all :lol:


    Pretty much off the cane now too which doctors told me I never would be. Pft, I should get a refund on my bills :carms:

  12. hah! That's sweet!


    "The ingenuity of game players is a formidable force that, if properly directed, can be used to solve a wide range of scientific problems."


    All they need now is for a HEADSHOT! banner to float every time an enzyme is completed. Might draw in the fps gamers :xp:

  13. hahaha.. actually, only level 27 (currently). I re-started a game from a 33 level.


    I'm fickle like that. My level 33 I just wasn't having fun with (became god-like), so I "re-rolled" and bumped up the difficulty to Master. ;)

  14. Hal's in both, hehehe but yeah, It does look like a T1. Was mainly just a '2010' avvy but I'm too lazy to change it :xp:

    Haven't decided what my next flavor of the month will be :lol:

  15. Has to be the voice and the 'mystery' at least for me it is... ;)

    yeah, Prime was hilarious.. but I must defend my Tali! She's no butter-face! :xp: hehehe

  16. hehe.. I couldn't hate this place if I wanted too :D


    Can't say the same for my back though (ouch). Had some additional surgeries here in the past few, and since my "warranty" has expired, I've had to sit around and do that whole "rehab" thing :xp:


    Back for the moment, though it will be scarce. Didn't heed the docs' warnings last time, and I paid the price (figuratively and literally) so I'm not taking chances this round ;)

  17. hehe.. I was just as confused. Apparently you can't have friends unless they want to be your friend too (so much for stalking :xp: ) hehehe..


    Nowadays you can add to your contacts and send a "friendship" request. If they accept, you get their glorious avatar in your friends showcase ;)


    That or just watch your email.. I'm sure you'll be swamped here soon with the world wanting to befriend you.. :D


    Oh yeah, took me awhile to realize this as well.. if you want to "respond" to a particular post in your profile.. click the "view conversation" link first then reply. Your reply will then show up in their profile rather than yours (and wandering why you aren't getting a response) ;) Good for a one-on-one convo, but still public. Otherwise, general comments or whatever can be posted regularly.

  18. hehe.. Merry Holidays to you too :lol:


    Was being a dumb arse and landed myself back in to some surgeries. Doctors yelled at me enough times to get through my thick head this time and I've been recuperating. Unfortunately it took a serious toll on my forum time ;)


    Yeah, still carrying around the stick... you know, cuz it makes me look kewl and all :xp:

  19. hehe.. no worries. Trust me, if I could I would.. I send and receive so many PMs its mind blowing ;)


    but we've had the rule in effect for years now, and if anything.. at least modders can feel secure in knowing we'll (LFN community) never re-post without permission :)


    One of the main reasons I changed my mod permissions to be very broad since a few years back I was incognito several months and no one could get a hold of me :lol: Now just about everyone has "some" sort of control over my mods ;)

  20. hehe.. thanks :D

    Figured I might as well get in to the spirit since nowadays the general public seems to skip Halloween and head straight for Thanksgiving (season wise). ;)


    Gotta give Halloween some lovin' every now and then. When else can you go into a store, buy hordes of candy.. and not feel guilty (or get strange looks..hehehe) :xp:

  21. hehe.. Thanks, figured it fit the moment :xp:

    Speaking of avvies.. is yours based on the actual Shippuden series or is it fan made? I might need to catch up on some episodes if I missed that! hehehe

  22. hehe.. thanks! feels great to be back. I'll try not to be gone for so long again.. hehe

    I knew it was bad once I got a form e-mail from LF missing me.. LOL! Wow, over 6 months supposedly.. gadz I suk. Sorry everyone. If you PM'ed me from way back, I apologize for not getting to it. Life's been hectic and constantly on the go. I've stabilized so knock-on-wood I can hopefully get back in to the groove ;)


    I Missed Everyone!

  23. hehe.. we like those tutorials around here. :thumbsup:


    Every bit of info helps around here.. and the tutorials make modding this game so much easier given we weren't blessed with dev tools. Thanks goodness for the tool makers and people out there who make tutorials to inform people how to use them ;)

  24. hehehe! Excellent read!

    Wished I had known about the "vote" (if there truly was one open to the public). I'm going to have to scour the net trying to find the artwork included in the exhibit now :lol:

    Interested to see what stills were chosen from Bio-Shock and FO3...

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