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Status Updates posted by ChAiNz.2da

  1. uBer! :D


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  2. well, since I screwed up the thread split, might as well have some fun at it :D


  3. well, you know me.. never a dull moment ;) hehehe...



  4. What you'll want to do is draw out her new lip shape with a dark(ish) thin line. Don't worry if the shape spills over to the blue parts of her face.. you're aiming for a more full look (unlike the thin corners of the TSL twileks lips).


    Once you have the basic shape, fill it in with whatever lip shade you're going with (lighter pink seems to work best for a Mission look). Technically, while her 'new' lips may spill over to her face.. there's so little detail in the model itself that players don't notice. Besides, you shouldn't spill over too much.


    If worse comes to worse, a new lip shape isn't all that necessary if you get the coloring right (no dark reds).. I just did it so she wouldn't look so angry/hateful :lol: At least in TSL's timeline, Mission would have alot to be miffed about.. hehehe

  5. While Darth333 is away, Cz will play. :devsmoke:

    I need my D3 fix stranger! :xp:



  6. With good reason :D



    Kick ass VA too. I'm glad ME2 didn't make ALL Quarians with the Russia/Romania accent. I like the mix up.. hehehe

  7. yeah, being stupid and put myself back in rehab.. same old same old.. hehe

    doing better now.. just takin it easy, and doing the comp stuff in short sessions to ease the strain ;)

  8. Yeah, I gotta admit the Xbox 360 is a pretty slick piece of machinery ;)

    I don't really play it much (LIVE at least), or log on to LIVE (more for Netflix) so my rep and gamerpoints are teh suXxorz.. hehehe


    My gamertag 'should' be ChAiNz2da (no dot) if I remember correctly. :D

  9. yeah, it's pointing to my emotez album, but something is going funky with it :raise:



  10. yeah, pretty much why I stopped at K1... hehehe. Still using Vista 64 on my pc atm (ugh) but I got k1 running with no problems whatsoever. Though I do install everything in it's own directory of c: root. Too much hassle messing with anything that falls in to the Program Files black hole of permissions doom :xp:


    If I was smart I'd just bootcamp my mac in to XP and be done with it, but I never do anything the easy way. I'll learn one of these days. Besides, gotta give myself a reason to use my pc in some way I guess :lol:

  11. Yeah, sucks too. Just not Derpy. :(

    I hate this PC bs. :¬:

  12. Yes. Yes it is :nod: hehehe...

    I have "upgraded" back to XP Pro... I'll wait till Windoze gets it right with Win7 :¬:

    Vista, while it has it's advantages, just wasn't for me.. I was constantly running in to roadblocks with it...


    Thank goodness I use my macs for the important stuff ;)

  13. you dirty son of a... I KEED!

    That's kewl man, followed your lead and added to my sig for the contest (just a different graphic). :D

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  17. * gasp * You know not of HAL 9000? I demand you go rent/watch/steal 2010 (the movie) before I ban you :xp:

  18. * poke * need moar tk :D

  19. * sigh * when will they learn? hehehe... :xp:

  20. *tacklezhugzslobberz* Missed you gal! and I thought * I * was the one who took long sabbaticals :xp:

  21. A Volkswagen commercial I believe

  22. aahh.. good catch, I never noticed that! I was just getting pissed because he resurrected 5 threads... all of which were 2 years and older :lol:

  23. aahh.. nuthin' much.. just wrestlin' cars on the highway. You know.. typical stuff.. ;)

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