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Status Updates posted by Alkonium

  1. As always, go right ahead.

  2. In The Eleventh Hour, I was thinking of having Andros involved to an unspecified degree (somewhere between friends and dating) with a young Guardsman Trainee named Erina Sarlith, and I was going to have Kalla ask him about it in my next post. Just giving you a heads up.

  3. Good idea. And I'll be honest, it didn't take me long to go full-on Brony. Like any self-respecting man, I love that show.

  4. Ok, I changed the links so that they'd go from my album, and not the group gallery, so they should show up now. Want to take another look?

  5. Ok, if you're still having computer problems, I wrote in a way around it in A Glimmer of Hope.

  6. So, going to post in Heroes of Nentir Vale any time soon?

  7. I'm looking for people to fill in for me in The Sith Resurrection Part V while I'm in Italy, would you be interested in taking over Andorra for that time?

  8. Ok, so the plan right now is for Andorra to be seriously "drained" and possibly pass out after Virul is destroyed, but Wrath protects her from Tyrannus and the Blood King. After that, I'm thinking that the next thing she knows, she's waking up in a hospital on Coruscant, with Kalla and Tonatius by her bedside. Since Kalla's pretty much in a relationship with Tonatius now, it wouldn't exactly work for her and Andorra to get back together, but I don't know, maybe she really hits it off with a nice girl there, like say, a doctor or nurse assigned to her. What do you think?


    PS: Enjoying Mass Effect 2 so far?

  9. Feel free to add those pictures for your character to the group page.

  10. That, and just springing it on you doesn't work as well with questions as with revelations.

  11. I just added something to my last post in The Eleventh Hour which may be relevant to you.

  12. Well, which of my characters would you want to take over for then?

  13. I know Jalok is male, I did state in the casting fall that Rolan is bi. The former lover idea works, but I was thinking maybe some rival of some sort paid him to.

  14. Think you could review 2112 again after it's finished?

  15. Ok, so Tysy isn't interesting in taking the part of Irene.

  16. If you'd like, you can copy http://www.lucasforums.com/picture.php?albumid=293&pictureid=3457 with IMG brackets into your post in Part VII's casting call to show the picture of Andorra.

  17. Ok, is this better?


  18. Do you mind if I just put new text over the same base image for your avatar?

  19. It doesn't really work that way. The longer Virul remains in a body, the more the original mind decays and the harder it gets for him to leave, eventually getting to the point at which his mind completely replaces the original, and he cannot leave unless he is killed. And he prefer to take over the body of someone in close proximity. That's why his current plan is to commit suicide and then possess Andorra's mother.

  20. I'll admit that it was entirely my fault the second time around, and for that, I am deeply sorry. I was stumped as to where to go with that subplot. However, if you are willing to return, I will do my best to ensure that it does not happen again. In fact, I have a feeling that the Nex Venators could work very well with what I have planned for Part VIII.

  21. Also, about my little photoshop project, which outfit would you prefer this image of Andorra to wear?

  22. If you're interested, I've got the second-last part of 2112 posted now.

  23. You could say you were a mercenary with Corinthian's guys. Since he got banned, we could say things went badly for them and you were the last survivor (other than Xbx's character, he might have survived)


    PS: After looking at your artwork, think you could try some stuff based on my RP Series?

  24. Well, my current plan is for Komad to kill him before he gets the chance to, and then he'll take over Andorra.

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