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Status Updates posted by Alkonium

  1. She'll be here, I hope

  2. She's strictly a singer/songwriter, but alright. I don't mind the images of her making out with Summer Glau that you've put into my head. I'm also considering David Tennant for Komad, James Arnold Taylor for Reyvan, and Christopher Walken for Darth Virul.

  3. Should I change Chev back anytime soon?

  4. Should I just make a point of prompting you to post in The Threefold War?

  5. Should I just post, or should I keep waiting?

  6. Should I just take over Faren in Nirriven, or would I be able to dissuade you from quitting?

  7. Should we just depict the dispute between Faren and Ser Jaymes in the RP itself?

  8. Since I fixed the links in my art thread, mind taking another look?

  9. Since I get that a lot, I set up a basic timeline, which you should be able to find in the main thread in the group page and in the later Casting Call Threads.

  10. Since I just posted two HeroMachine images of the Republic Guardsmen, I'm wondering, do you have any suggestions for who I should try next?

  11. Since I noticed you've done a lot of Mandalorian art, I suppose I could tell you about a character from Part I called the Mandalorian Jedi. She was known for integrating Mandalorian armour (Boba/Jango Fett style, but I never specified colours) into her Jedi robes, including the helmet.

  12. Since I put Hethra together in HeroMachine, think you might have a go at making Tonatius or another of your characters on it?

  13. Since I read your fic Conspiracy, would you like to read my "fic" 2112?

  14. Since I've been diligently reading your Mass Effect fic, think you'd be interested in reading my new Fic The Dantooine Mission? If you remember the start of The Sith Resurrection Part III, this is how Komad ended up in Sith captivity.

  15. Since I've finished writing 2112 now, do you think you could change it from NSW-Fic to FIN NSW-Fic?

  16. Since The Eleventh Hour is back up and running, I was wondering if you'd be interested in replacing Shana as Lenatha.

  17. Since Tysy quit Nirriven, do you think you could try to pick up a bit of the slack?

  18. Since you didn't answer in the picture comments, what planet would you like as a backdrop for Durrel's picture? So far, I've used Coruscant for Komad, Kalla, and Alriana, Kashyyyk for Andorra, Nar Shaddaa for Reyvan, and Korriban for Virul.

  19. Since you joined the group for my RP series, are you intending to join the RP itself?

  20. Since you posted that thread in Kavar's Corner, I'm wondering, are you and Atheist or Agnostic yourself?

  21. Since you seem interested in DDO now, think you'll let me know when you make a character on it? The two characters I play the most are Alkonium and Nierra.

  22. Since you seem well able to handle RPing now, would you like to return to the role of Andorra In The Sith Resurrection Part V?If yes, would you also like to take over Kalla until the 21st?

  23. Since you started the High Fantasy Adventure RP a while back, I was wondering if you'd be interested in my D&D-inspired RP Heroes of Nentir Vale. We could do with one more person before starting up.

  24. Since you suggested Belina and Garja being at Andorra and Lenatha's wedding, I've been wondering, how much interaction has there been between them in the past?

  25. Since you suggested it, I've now posted an image of Darth Mortis.

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