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Status Updates posted by Alkonium

  1. Since you wanted Beroc to try to kill Darth Pestilus, how does Pestilus responding by deploying the bioweapon on the Imperial Pride sound?

  2. Since you were the one originally playing Andorra in The Sith Resurrection Part V, I figured you might want to check out the artwork I put together of her. Check either the thread I started in The Art Gallery, or the Gallery for The Sith Resurrection RP Series Group.

  3. Since you're back, would you be interested in joining my RP Star Wars: The Sith Resurrection Part VII: A Glimmer of Hope? It should still be easy to join in.

  4. Since you're the one controlling the New Imperial forces in the RP, I recommend you look at my latest blog entry, for something that I'm planning on bringing back.

  5. Since you've seen my latest bit of art, any chance you could give me some advice on making better lekku in photoshop?

  6. So is anything going to happen with Anna? Garren's certainly still worried about her.

  7. So was I right about your race of choice in the Elder Scrolls?

  8. So yeah, I've got the Casting Call up for The Sith Resurrection Part VIII. Interested?

  9. So, any idea when JediMaster12 might be back?

  10. So, any other characters from the series you'd like to have a go at?

  11. So, any suggestions on what the group page's icon should be?

  12. So, are we just going to leave Komad and Belina's fates unresolved until Part VIII? And on that topic, I'll be posting the Casting Call very soon.

  13. So, are you ever going to post your own character in Reavers? I'm really looking forward to that one.

  14. So, are you going to be back for Part IX or not? We're already a couple of posts in.

  15. So, are you planning on joining Mass Effect: Universe?

  16. So, are you still in A Glimmer of Hope? We don't really have much for clear antagonists right now.

  17. So, are you still up for ME:U or not?

  18. So, are you The Doctor's greatest enemy?

  19. So, coming back to The Sith Resurrection for Part VIII? This time around, I've introduced an organisation reminiscent of Cerberus in Mass Effect 2!

  20. So, coming back to The Sith Resurrection series for Part VIII? The newly introduced Echelon 5 organisation might be to your liking.

  21. So, did you already read EGS, or did you start after I referenced it in the Drunken Time Travellers?

  22. So, for Reavers, is Elf a blanket term that includes Dark Elves?

  23. So, going to post in DttS soon?

  24. So, going to post in Heroes of Nentir Vale any time soon?

  25. So, going to respond to my post in Drunken Time Travelers? Wink wink, nudge nudge?

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