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Status Updates posted by Alkonium

  1. Way ahead of you.

  2. We could have another go at a fantasy RP. Not necessarily Dragon Age, but something akin to that, with a touch of Elder Scrolls, Lord of the Rings and a few other fantasy settings thrown in for good measure.

  3. We need to kick things up a notch in DotS, don't you think?

  4. We should make a Brony group. And by we, I mean you, because I'm capped out for groupmaking.

  5. We spoke before about this, but in case you forgot, Virul is yours, now that he's taken over Andorra's body.

  6. We travel through time while hammered. Well, it's more just me travelling in a TARDIS I um, borrowed, without permission, with every intention of bringing it back and bailing Chevron 7 Locke out of scary Gizka-related predicaments which are entirely his own fault and then proceeding to whack him with my sonic crowbar. It's great fun!

  7. We're at a bit of an important part in Nirriven, and it might be a good idea for you to post now.

  8. We're just waiting for you to add another character, then we'll start the RP.

  9. We've never met or spoken in any way, but Happy Birthday!

  10. Well the Casting Call for The Sith Resurrection Part VI is up, and the text crawl for Part II should be up on YouTube later tonight.

  11. Well, according to a post by Corinthian in Part V, a female Mon Calamari named Galhia Tilthis is Chief of State, and General Keran Doth is Director of Republic Intelligence. Other than that, it's up to you.

  12. Well, after the orbital bombardment, the Sith are going to start landing troops on the planet, and that's as good a time as any.

  13. Well, at the time of The Eleventh Hour, there is no Republic. It fell a year earlier at the end of Wrath of the Empire. However, it did have an army, which carried over into the Galactic Resistance. Standard infantry are referred to as Guardsmen rather than Troopers.

  14. Well, considering that your character and his haven't met or heard of one another, I see a problem here.

  15. Well, Darth Virul's probably next for me to make in HeroMachine.

  16. Well, due to certain geographical limitations, I'm forced to do the text crawl for Part VII this week, even though I don't know when Part VI will be done.

  17. Well, I decided to have a go at that Hero Machine thing, and made another character from the series.

  18. Well, I disagreed with him on that anyway. You've got plenty of characters, and she doesn't seem like your sort of character.

  19. Well, I don't how long it'll be before we're even done Part VII, but expect the text crawl up sometime over the holidays. Actually, I could use you back in A Glimmer of Hope. I'd really love to see how write Andorra's reaction to Darth Pestilus.

  20. Well, I don't know, maybe he gets to an escape pod in time, leaving the rest of the crew to die.

  21. Well, I don't want to give too much away, but let's just say the Republic is finally going to get a proper run for its money.

  22. Well, I figured you were still mad at me over those issues in my RP. If not, I don't see a problem here.

  23. Well, I finally made that picture of Alriana. It's in the Art Gallery, my Album, or the Group's Gallery

  24. Well, I got Cyborg Ninja to join. Just give me some other names, and I'll get on it.

  25. Well, I guess that makes four people in The Sith Resurrection Series with the Roleplayer badge. Congratulations.

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