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Download - JK:A Coundown


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This is posted as an answer to Blademaster_109's Request for a JK:A Countdown Clock



Well here's the files... I did this in a short amount of time but it looks good and it gets the job done [The script is not mine, I have given proper credit in the swf/exe]^_^ Also all images are copyright "Lucas Arts" yata... yata... yata...


JK:A Clock - EXE file format ***Updated - some people have not been able to use this version, if you are one of those people please download the file below it has been updated***


JK:A Clock - SWF file format ***Updated - I have included an .htm file so you can actually load the swf, srry for not including it last nite***



Clock Desktop Background












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No its not public yet, you have a warez version.


Also, walmart wont have it the first day, HEHE, i used to work there for almost 3 years! They get stuff late, plus itll be uber expensive there! Get yerself a preorder or goto like a game store or compusa :)

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Originally posted by VanishingVision

***Update - I am also thinking about making an interactive desktop background for this aswell, if people want it I'll make it. I'll cheak back here in a fiew hours to see the response***

Enjoy, -VanishingVision

Put me down for a interactive desktop background! :D Thx!

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Originally posted by JK2DUde{JD}DArk

ya but i dont do the warze thing im in the FTP part of the piratcy

thing but i have had Jedi academey for about a mouth and i just posted a request for a walkthrough and i thought it was already

released LOL


Seriously, dude, bad move. Very bad move. :(

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