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No Demo?

Kyle Kaboem

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Originally posted by Nobel Jedi

the demo STILL isn't out :(:'(


I guess not. They usually update the site on fridays (today in UK), Hopefully, when I check the site tommorow morning, there will be a demo.


Seems that "Jedi Elite" hasn't replied since that rumour turned out to be wrong.

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...This is really pissing me off that people can't wait, and then they get me all excited :swear::explode:. but anyways I don't care cause i have 56k...but my neighbor said he'd DL it for me :).

And for all the people that were cussing and flaming JE, [Cris Rock]That ain't right!!![/Chris Rock], besides you shouldn't beleive every thing u here on the internet.

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ok everybody lets not get all our hopes up. from my experience in downloading demos, the demos releases where after the games were already up for sale. and sometimes, very seldom do they release a demo before the game was up for sale.


we just gotta have a stiff upper lip and take the pain. anyway the actual release of the game is only a few weeks away anyways. at least we did'nt have to wait another year before this was made. think of it this way.. we got jedi academy coming, kights of the old republic, and republic commando.


i was surprised actually of the swiftness of the release for jedi academy. i did'nt even have a chance to get really bored of jedi outcast. right now it remains my favorite game in all my possesions. if it were'nt for the modelers who make new characters i would'nt be so stuck on the game :)


but this means i probebly would'nt even have time to get sick of jedi academy because K.O.T.O.R is comming out right after that lol. then so on and so on lol. remember lets stay positive and think of the things that truely count.


may the force be with you.

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Yeah, and you just know that when the demo comes out, the sites that have it will crash from all the traffic, and it'll be slow as mollasses to finish (and the 56kers will have to wait for a magazine to bundle it with a cd), etc.




I know, I know, many of us would still wait for it....

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Originally posted by Jedi Elite2003

Lol i'm not replying cuz i've got the demo but i'm not going to say anything whaha. okay i tell ya one thing it's cool. and i dont say where i got it from but it is there. lol :p


Oh come on, it's not funny! If it's a joke, it's a bull**** joke. If you're talking about that W***z word then shut up before the mods shut you up.

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Originally posted by TiBo

He is just trying to mess with us. Hes probably some skinny 11 year old that gets his lunch money stolen everyday and has to get his kicks lying on a jedi academy forum. OUCH!


Exactly! Right on! It's sad for guys like him, though... :(


... and they call themselves Jedi! :(

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