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Official Broken Sword 3 website is up!

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Yes the official EUROPEAN broken sword website has been launched by THQ!




Theres loads to do on the website; as well as character Bios; Screenshots; a forum etc theres also a Translate the manuscript competition. In the competition you answer the two questions revealed each week and get a mini "prize" like an exclusive trailer; wallpapers, screensavers etc plus a password. Then in a weeks after all the questions are revealed you use the passwords to enter a competition to win some BS3 prizes.


Edit: The official AMERICAN broken sword website has also been launched today by The Adventure Company, as mentioned by Java Bean below. Just thought I'd edit my post so people can find the link alongside the european site:




P.S. if you look on the american site theres a quote from Adventuregamers hehe

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Nice site... very athmospheric.


Notice the font that the site uses... I wonder if this means that we will not be getting the boxart with the cocaine-sniffing Nico and George with a hangover, but rather the one with just the logo and the dragon emblem?


EDIT: Ugh... figures. That competition is only available to those five countries.... :(


It's not like I'm not prepared to pay for postage, damn it!:mad:

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If you go to the manuscript section of the site, you can go through a series of questions which reward you with stuff. There's a trailer for question 1, and a screensaver for question 2.


If you're having problems with Flash or simply can't be bothered to navigate through the site, here's a link to the screensaver. (PC version)


EDIT: Whoops, I meant screensaver! :rolleyes:

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Looks good, but why couldn't they have just designed a single site for all countries and just have the viewer click a language? It would have saved time and money. Just watched the trailer again - Shayt! That techno drum-&-bass music is ugly! Plus it detracts from the atmosphere. But the cinematic score in the American site is marvelous.

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Oh man, the American site with its rousing music has gotten me even more pumped up for this game (if that's even remotely possible). How awesome is this game! Holy crap!


One thing is very much on my mind, however: the system requirement. Does anyone know what they will be (for PC obviously)? I need to play this game (NEED TO), and I would consider buying a new PC to facilitate that, but I need to know soon so I can start scrounging up cash. Anyone have any idea? I'm really only worried about the video card, since I'm sure my other specs are ok.

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with the regional sites, it appears that several pieces of box art are going to be used, and that the game is going to be marketed differently. the adventure company seem to be more active in their marketing, where as the original website referenced here, suggests more of a prior knowledge of the series.

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I think that, regardless of region, this game needs to be marketed entirely on its own merits rather than as a sequel. Adventure gamers are so starved for quality releases that there probably isn't a one who hasn't been avidly awaiting this game. More than any other adventure game released in recent years, I think this one has a great potential to appeal to a large audience, and THQ needs to take full advantage of that.

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Originally posted by remixor

I have a 16MB Geforce card. Think that's ok? I've found that 16MB is not enough to run many new games, but I have a laptop and can't upgrade.


You could probably run it on 16MB, but it'll look awful, not at all worth the full price, considering the graphics is one of its strongest features (you won't get any of the luminous radiosity lighting effects, for example). You may want to rent it for Xbox if that's the case.

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Originally posted by Royal Fool



EDIT: Ugh... figures. That competition is only available to those five countries.... :(


It's not like I'm not prepared to pay for postage, damn it!:mad: [/b]

No it's not. Does nobody check details? It's the third time someone told me that. If you read carefully, it says it's only necessary to fill in the name and email boxes. Then, if you want to double check, you read the Terms and Conditions, where there is no mention of what country you come from.
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Originally posted by theneb

A low end Radeon 9600 with DX9 is under £100 now, make yourself ready for hl2 :p


I know, but I have a laptop. That's why I was wondering if I need to start saving up for a new PC (and after Trep's post, it looks like maybe I should). Also, Trep: I don't have an Xbox. I have a PS2 but I won't be able to play it until late December (I don't have a TV where I'm living right now and there's zero chance of me getting one). Do you think the PS2 graphics will be sub-par as well?


Basically, I'm trying to find the most practical way for me to play this game as closely as possible to how it was intended to be played.

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