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What Siege class do you want to be?


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I am a big fan of CTF, but the MP mode I can't wait for is Siege. Ever since Return to Castle Wolfenstein was released with objective based MP, I have been addicted to strategy + FPS + goal type stuff.


What classes for Siege would you want to be? The classes, as provided by the wonderful Stormhammer in the FAQ, are . . .


  • Assault
  • Heavy Weapons
  • Demolitions
  • Scout (sniper)
  • Tech
  • Jedi


I would prefer Demolitions, Scout, or Tech.

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Originally posted by MASTER Siggeman

Can you please explain the whole concept of siege, cause the explanation's I've seen before kind of confused me.


No problem! Here goes . . .


Siege is a Multiplayer game mode with two teams. Each team has a list of objectives to complete in the map. The team that completes the objectives wins. A "Siege map" might be like the one below:


There is an Imperial base. It can be destroyed by blowing up the base's power system. The Rebel Alliance has a task force that is going to blow it up.


Objectives for the Imperials might be . . .


1. Stop the Rebels from getting inside the base.

2. Protect the generator.


Objectives for the Rebels might be . . .


1. Get inside the Imperial Base.

2. Destroy the Power System.


Now usually the maps will have a set timer so that the team that completes the objectives in teh time limit wins.

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i wanna be a jedi or a sith

lightsabers are my main reason to play this game though ir probably wont be that good for this mode im still gonna stick with it

and i read that you cant play this mode with bots??

well that sucks!

i wanted to have a good idea and how it was gonna be before i went online with this mode

now im probably gonna spend all my time attacking the wrong base! ;)

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I think I'm going to have to try all of them before I settle on any particular class. I probably won't be a Jedi, though - I want to focus on guns or explosives. If I get my broadband sorted out, and get some low pings, I might try Scout (for sniping :D ), but I'm not averse to storming in to hammer their defences :p so Assault would suit me fine. And Demolitions might appeal to that part of me that likes to lay traps. :D


So Scout, Assault or Demolitions would be the primary classes...

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I'm hoping this is like the Siege mode in Tribes 2... I know a lot of you probably don't know about that game, but its a 2 year old MP game which plays a little like guns only JO, in that you have a widerange of firearms, and instead of force jump you have jetpacks. T2 is still a popular game amongst a good number of diehard fans, although siege is an underplayed gametype (ctf rules).


Siege there works similar to how it was described above, although the roles aren't set at the beginning of the game, you can jump into any role at anytime (makes more sense when you don't have a jedi-type role). The whole point is similar to the first half of the old JO SP demo... get past the enemy to disable a series of switches and overtake the enemy base. In T2 its a time-based game, where after the base is taken, the teams switch from offense to defense and defense to offense, and the new offense has to take the base in less time than their opponents did.


That's really a blast, I'm hoping JA Siege will be too.

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I wonder if the new "Whiner" class will be popular?


The role this class plays is to complain about the other team being "cheap" and accuse them of "cheating."


He has a variety of taunts including "lamer!" "grip/conc whore!" and "votekick him!"


His wide repetoire of emotes include shaking his finger at opponents, folding his arms and shaking his head disapprovingly and wiggling his fanny from side to side.


This class has only fists and a chatbox over his head all the time. His skin is brightly colored and easy to see on the other side of the map. From his inventory he can place little cardboard signs that say "No Laming" and "Saber off = Peace!!" with upside down smiley faces on them that other players can destroy.


The Whiner's special power is his ability to spawn a squad of Gonk droids to follow him around whever he goes (going "gonk gonk gonk" continuously).



The purpose of this class is to annoy the other team and demoralize them. While they argue and try to flame him, their base is snuck into and their stuff is destroyed/stolen.








just kidding.. hopefully not. ; )

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