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Well I saw it tonight and I thought it was ok but it wasn't all that great in my opinion. Some things could have been better and the ending kind of left you hanging but other then that it was good. I just found it a little to predictable after seeing the trailers and getting to a certain part in the movie.



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Originally posted by Captain Wilson

i saw it last night and its soooooooo cool! dunno why but its one my favourate films ive seen

...and id be a vampire,. No soul, no remosre, imortalyity,strength,poweroverlesser beings, being impervus to nearly all weapons etc.


Yeah, that's what is cool about vampires. I just watched interview with the vampire last night (great film) and I keep thinking what it would be like if you were buried alive as a vampire. You'd be stuck forever. And I'm clostraphobic.



Originally posted by Captain Wilson

@Lost: You couldtry carpe jugulum , but that'd only be good for a laugh


Yeah, I might check that discworld book out. I liked Reaper Man, that had a wereman in it, but it didn't really say much about it. Other than he's a wolf that turns into a wolfman every full moon.

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discworld has a book entirely about Uberwald, and there is a female member of the city guard named Angua; she is a werewolf. one book deals entirely (mostly with werewolves) discworld has fun with lots of stuff from main stream horror to sci fi to fantasy what have you. a great character are the Igor's very funny. worth the read.

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Originally posted by XERXES

anybody who has played white wolf games will choose a vampire to be.


I might see it eventually.


I'd have to agree, werewolves can be such tedious and uncouth creatures, personally I'd rather be vampiric, I'm sure you could scare folk just as much AND still be in control - just think of all the mess you'd make during the molting season if you were a werewolf, you'd be forever hoovering hairs up! :D

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Toms Review:


Well, it was interesting, and i certainly wasn't demanding my money back, but it just didn't seem to "work" to me. Im not really completely sure what the problem was... seems like one of those movies that was less than the sum of it's parts.


It certainly didn't live up to it's potential.


I liked Kate Bekinsale. But overall i think my main problem might be down to the characterisation and dialogue. There wasn't really any.


Im a sucker for the old "forbidden love" story. But there was NO chemistry between the 2 leads. Hell, im not sure the guy (can't even remember his name) had more than about 20 lines. THe 1st kiss came out of no-where and you never really got the impression they were atracted to each other. None of the soul searching required.


As for the plot... i liked the fact they tried to keep it interesting and twisty and had people changing sides. But with very little dialogue it all became a bit of a mess. Not an unfollowable mess, but more the sort of mess where you don't really care about any of the characters, so it sin't shocking when sides change.


The action scenes were an equal mix of good and bad. Some were pretty cool, but a lot were just a confusing mess of darkness and bullets where there was no internal consistency.

- Some guys could take hundreds of bullets and have no effect, others died from a single shot.

- DId silver kill werewolves, or just stop them chaging?

- werewolves in their wolf form seemed way more than a match for vampires. why did few change? if only a few can change at will then why shoot them with silver bullets?

- the "light bullet" that kills vampires... why only use it once?

- how come kate "imortal vampire" beckinsale can nearly die from a lack of blood and nearly drown?


Come to think of it, why make them vampires at all? THey didn't seem to drink blood, fear crucifixes, not have reflections or do anything archtypely vampiric at all. Surely the werewolves being able to move in daylight would be a huge advantage... there were NO daylight scenes so it didn't matter.


Overall, they plot probably looked good written down, but the screenplay needed to be done by someone with an eye for characters like joss whedon and the direction could possibly have been a bit less generic.



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I think toms, part of the reason the movie didn't quite do it for ya was cuz from the sound of your post there was alot of things you didn't understand. Let me try to clear that up for ya.


of course this post is going to be loades with spoilers.


Some guys could take hundreds of bullets and have no effect, others died from a single shot.

- DId silver kill werewolves, or just stop them chaging?

- werewolves in their wolf form seemed way more than a match for vampires. why did few change? if only a few can change at will then why shoot them with silver bullets?

- the "light bullet" that kills vampires... why only use it once?

- how come kate "imortal vampire" beckinsale can nearly die from a lack of blood and nearly drown?


Silver didn't kill the werewolves on contact or anything, it was just effective against them, if it wasn't taken out shortly it could prove fatal.


all of them could change whenever they liked, the advantage to remaining human is being able to hold a gun, the advantage to being a werewolf is being stronger, faster, and deadlier. The light bullets were just a recent invention so not everyone had them, basically only the boss and then that one guy who used em.


Vampires are imortal but they can die by bleeding dry, or drowning. there's a difference between imortal and invincible. Just like the elves in lotrs not like the imortals in highlander.

As for that some guys take a hundred bullets to die and others take one, I didn't really find that the case. Some guys just get hit in more vulnerable places is all. In the case of vampires and werewolves unlike humans they aren't down with an injury, they fight till the death. So an injured soldier keeps on shooting while the dead ones drop. And in some cases the more powerful ones could take more and dish out more.



Come to think of it, why make them vampires at all? THey didn't seem to drink blood, fear crucifixes, not have reflections or do anything archtypely vampiric at all. Surely the werewolves being able to move in daylight would be a huge advantage... there were NO daylight scenes so it didn't matter.


That's what I liked about it, I hate those dracula things were they turn itno bats and sleep in coffins. I majorly prefer these vampires, they were way cooler. sure the werewolves being able to move in daylight is advantageouse. But awake at night or day, you still gota sleep. Vampires just sleep during the day.


Personally Underworld is my new favorite movie. I loved the way the vampires were portrayed, and the action and sets were very cool. I didn't find the love aspects romantic at all, but I liked that in that it fit well with the rest of the movie. And kate beckinsale is my favorite hot actress I didn't have one before.


I loved it so much it inspired me to write my own vampire story. But don't expect to find it in the fan fic section cuz I'm not going to unless I choose to write a differents story based on the movie. But that's not likely to happen cuz I'm consumed with my other writing and I have a life apart from that. But I started a rp story so you can join in if it interests you.


I prefed the vampires to the werewolves because the werewolves are ugly. Plain and simple that's how it is with me, it's all about looks. I don't give a flying F-bomb about physical advantages if they're ugly.


Anyway this post was just a waste of time but I felt like posting it cuz I was boared and I loved the movie so much. I have just one quiz question about the movie.


How many female werewolves in human form are in the movie? And specify the scene as best you can describe it.

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but if the vampires aren't going to do anything remotely vampiric then why make them vampires??? they could have just have easily made them genetically engineered soldiers or anthing that had the ability to wear PVC and do backflips.


it just seemed a wasted opportunity to me...

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Originally posted by toms

but if the vampires aren't going to do anything remotely vampiric then why make them vampires??? they could have just have easily made them genetically engineered soldiers or anthing that had the ability to wear PVC and do backflips.


it just seemed a wasted opportunity to me...


I thought that was a weak point of the movie, the Vampires didn't feed on people. It was a way of making them more loveable or something...they had to feed on livestock or that cloned blood stuff--they made a big point of not killing humans, which I thought weeakened the whole movie. They were stronger, could jump higher, and stick to surfaces though (as we mostly saw in ONE scene where the bimbo leaps to the ceiling :p)


Oh, and not all of the Werewolves could change at will, just the older ones--the youngest of them had to wait for the moon. Or at least that's the impression I got.


Oh, and I think your Underworld movie idea wasn't very interesting--Werewolves and their ancient feud with: genetically engineered soliders!!! Who mysteriously appeared in the first millenium...:D


Vampires don't have to be all stupid stuff like bats, and reflections, and crucifixes--read some Anne Rice :). She creates awesome vampires, who don't have most of the silly stuff, and for the most part they would have fit well into this movie, hence my disgust with the anti-killing human thing.

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I liked the story line, and the gothic feel of the movie, but some things didnt roll with me...


First of all, the werewolves looked CHEAP! simple as that. With tons of money and the year 2003, they could have made them ALOT better, they looked like they just jumped out of a 1970's horror film.


Cars do NOT sink to the bottom of a river when they are full of air, much less sinking after being in the water for like 2 seconds.


The silver bullets, as already stated, seemed only to work when they where used on "normal" werewolves.


How did the one boss wake back up after being shot with a liquid silver bullet?


I cant think of anything more but if I do, I'll post it

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Originally posted by Vestril

Oh, and I think your Underworld movie idea wasn't very interesting--Werewolves and their ancient feud with: genetically engineered soliders!!! Who mysteriously appeared in the first millenium...:D


Vampires don't have to be all stupid stuff like bats, and reflections, and crucifixes--read some Anne Rice :). She creates awesome vampires, who don't have most of the silly stuff, and for the most part they would have fit well into this movie, hence my disgust with the anti-killing human thing.


Indeed. Its not like i would want them all to be wearing black velvet cloaks with scarlet linings and turning into bats. But i still think there are basic components to vampires that make them vampires, and also are the main reason people like them. If you aren't going to make use of these basic components then you are wasting a lot of dramatic opportunities.


I just slightly got the impression that they only made them vampires as an excuse for them to do matrix like moves.




There was one scene where kate was in the safehouse and fired like twenty rounds from her pistols through the closed doors and killed about 10 armoured people, yet there were other scenes where people were firing hundreds of rounds into targets they could see and they kept on coming. just bugged me.

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Originally posted by ZDawg

Which would make it all the cheaper... "I R L337 B4D GUY! I R N0 D13 L1K3 N0RM4L WAREWOLPH!"


Highly amusing. Except that he was likely the oldest, and therefore strongest Werewolf, and it would make a good deal of sense that he couldn't die as easily, much as the oldest (and still older then Lucien) was pretty tough to beat in a fight himself.




Also, Toms, I don't think they said to themselves 'what's the best way to make this movie more like the matrix' in fact, as an example, the film makers wanted to make Beckinsdale's outfit red, as a means of separating her from Trinity (which probably wouldhave stopped the Matrix comparisons, since without her similarity to Trinity there would be little basis of comparison) but she insisted that it stay black, and managed to convince the director (who I gather she is now going out with :p).


I think it probably evolved like this: I have a cool movie about werewolves and vampires--crap, if I go with popular mythology Vampires will own Werewolves easily, they're smarter (since they have no animal change) and extremely strong and fast themselves--crap, no one is going to like my Vampires if they're murdering people, I'll make it so that only the bad guys murder people, that way we can identify them.


I could be wrong, and it probably wasn't as thought out in some ways, but movies are kind of funny in that way, you can't always blame the film makers...


Also, I agree, the inconsistency of action scenes made the movie a lot less believeable (well, ok, it wasn't believeable as it was about a Vampire/werewolf war, but I couldn't hold onto that reality very well because of inconsistencies like that).

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Originally posted by Prime

I see I am a little late to the onversation, but I would definitely be a werewolf. Then I could be just like my idol, Teen Wolf!


Oh man!! that movie ruled!! I had completely forgoteen about it... And when the dad turns into a wolf, and the guy pees himself?.... :cool:

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I just went and saw this the other night. Not a bad movie, good action and a pretty good storyline to it. I enjoyed that part - it just seemed like a wanna be matrix/blade type movie.....not that it's a bad thing, it just lacked some kind of indentity imo. What I also don't like is how they end the movie with an open ending like there will be a sequal. Just end the stupid thing. I was all excited going to see it.....I left wanting more though. 7/10 for me - the action made up for everything. :)

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