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MultiPlayer Kicking


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Has anybody been able to do MP kicks yet?



In the Demo, i could do the usual front kick & sidekicks to disable , stun and kill.


At first it did not work but I found the cvar command G_debugMelee 1 and that corrected it. It allowed you to hang on to a wall indefinitely also.


But so far I cannot kick in MP, even after setting the melee debug command to 1. Kicks work off inanimate objects, walls etc.. but not on other players or bots.


Has anybody been able to do MP kicks yet?

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Originally posted by Destino

forward and my right mouse button kicks. But it doesn't matter because MP is whacked and need some serious optimization quickly. Hit detection is really messed up, lag at low pings, low FPS, etc etc.


Maybe it's just your PC or net connection? :confused:

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Maybe it was just the server I was in...but man staberstaff kicking needs to be TONED DOWN. I played my first real MP game in the master's duel server (got a great ping around 32) and was really sucking bad. I tested with single saber, duel and staff until I got used to the new movements in JA. I was 1/2 on the first map and was seriously doubting how good MP was until the next map.


I was up against someone with a staff and I used using single saber. I rush in for an attack and he forward kicks me and I immediately die. Of course I immediately type 'wtf' not knowing what happened, but on my next round I grab a staff myself.


As I'm fighting the guy he does a kata and I swing around back and kick him...getting an instant kill. Next guy comes and jumps straight to me and I do another kick which ends that round. By the time the map ended I was 10/1 with at least 4-5 kills to the insta-kill kicks. Even pull/blue backstab wasn't this lame. Just need good timing.

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Originally posted by Destino

forward and my right mouse button kicks. But it doesn't matter because MP is whacked and need some serious optimization quickly. Hit detection is really messed up, lag at low pings, low FPS, etc etc.

It is not the game, it is your connection. The game works great if you ahve a good ping. I am using DSL and I'm having no problems at all. Actually, JA has a smoother feel than JO.


Upgrade you connection and things will be better, or turn off some graphics settings...

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Originally posted by lllKyNeSlll

in ff dueling is almost pointsless.

you can't kill

think about it saber does hardly any damage.

any damage u take from the saber u can eaasily drain it back.



the only way to possibly kill another smart player is lv 2 lightning from far away.


Maybe it was the server I played but Sabers seemed to do one hit kills in red stance.

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This is so common, you all just started to play the game and you are alredy complaining.


What were you all specting, it wasnt gona be the same as JO, similar but not the same.


I play single saber, and it really sux that there are no kicks for it, but if there were it would be just tooooo good and tooo easy to kill the rest of people.

Still i hope somebody find a way to do it so that servers can enable it.


And yes, red stance kills with one move if you leave the saber in the others body for the necesary time (like the up-down regular slash).


I knew you all where gona complain about any stupidity.

Play the gamethe way it is, the developers arent retards, they made MP that way so it can be balanced, thats right balanced, balanced, balanced, balanced and one more time, balanced.

Keep that in mind when posting.

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I couldn't get kicks to work with the debugmelee command, but to you guys who say that "kicks are removed from everything but the staff" answer me this..


WHY THEN does the server binary (officially released by Raven) include an option to turn on melee?


Perhaps it can only be enabled through a dedicated server?


Try that THEN come back and tell me "it's gone, tis game sux0rz"

(then again, don't tell me that, just say it doesn't work).


I forgot to try enabling cheats, but that shouldn't be required.


All you people bashing the game already need to give it a chance, I think.


Did you master JK2 MP in 2 days or less? Be honest know...

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The win32 dedicated server zip (just grabbed it off of LucasFiles to show you) in the serveroptions.txt says (these are just exerpts):



Can be a number in the range of 0 to 100, and sets the dismemberment probabilities. 0 means never, whereas 100 means every time a player dies from a saber hit of appropriate damage. This will not do anything for clients that do not have their cg_dismember cvar set appropriately.



If set to 1, enables extra kicks and throws to be used while the melee (fist) weapon is selected. Unsupported, and not tested a lot, same as g_siegeTeam1.



Multiplier for saber damage, does not modify 1-hitpoint damage done idly and in returns and such. For example, setting to 0.5 is half the normal damage, 2 is twice the normal damage,


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i wont miss the kicks at all lol


i was just getting good at them when i got off the JO scene when i realised how lame it was that booting someone was more effective than the lightsaber! :rolleyes:


as for the staff needing to be nerked, if they up saber damage to about only 3-5 hits max to kill it will fix the problem


as for that bug...... hmmmmmm

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i don't know about you guys but we had some servers in our little community and we always maxed our skill out. during the first version era we soon managed to kick, but it was more difficult. then they had to release this evil 1.03 patch, which introduced us to the backstabbs, because sabers got nerfed so much except the basckslash/stabb moves. another thing was changed also: the KICK. it was now possible to kick only on doubleklick. that however required timing. to make it even worse, this allowed some super genius hackers to use their advanced scripts for kicking!

not even the unfortunate 1.04 patch fixed this, though it fixed the backstabb whores...

that's why there were some mods out there for serious admins to fix that themselves. we had kick on 1 hp damage and it realy saved the gameplay for some months...


it was a good decision to remove kicks but for the staff users!

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I promise to try them out later.


Back to the melee (kicks). I agree Kurgan that the debug options imply certain conditions would allow for kicks.


But who can tell?


In JO SP kicks only worked off walls not bots. In JO MP it worked off walls and bots & players.


In JA SP kicks work off walls and bots. In JA MP kicks only works off walls.



Very confusing for anyone expecting consistency from these high price products we all loyaly patronize.


I was disappointed with JO having 2 development teams 1 for SP and the other for MP. Little continuity between the 2.


It may be to early to say this but it appears they have made the same mistake again.

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Originally posted by Kurgan

Is anybody going to actually try those server commands, or are they just going to continue to wax nostalgic about the JK2 days?

I give these things a try tonight. I don't have a dedicated server, but I'll see if I can find something by creating my own server...
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