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Favourite Level **Spoilers!**


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What's your favourite level and why?


For me its the first Vjun level. Right from the start there's something interesting - the acid rain.


Then the really big hazardtrooper turns up; thats really cool. Then Kyle charges in and attacks it! It gave you the impression that Kyle is a really powerful jedi.


I also like the fact that you aren't split up from Kyle. Its a common trick to go into a level with support and almost instantly the other guy decides its best to split up; but Raven didn't do the obvious thing and kept the two of you together. The one time you did split up was when Kyle went to the control room to allow you to get to the gun emplacement and you are left to face the dark Jedi.


(In fact the first time I played this level I kept facing the door. Then I hear these footsteps behind me (god I love surround sound!). I turn around expecting to see Kyle but its a dark jedi - pure genius!)


Anyway, what do the rest of you think?

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Originally posted by yoda_alex

(In fact the first time I played this level I kept facing the door. Then I hear these footsteps behind me (god I love surround sound!). I turn around expecting to see Kyle but its a dark jedi - pure genius!)


I liked that moment too. Reminded me of the 1st reborn in JO -a nice touch. Kyle's comments at the begining of the next level are also rather amusing.


I really can't think of 1 level. many of them had horrible bits that were a chore to play. The whole of Vjun was mainly good tho.


I liked charging Alora upon a TauTaun on Hoth, the tram level was done nicely -not amazing but better than any "train" level I have ever played. The atmospheres were good on several other stages as well, like ord mantell -a good backdrop for showing that punk that a flamethrower is NOT a good defense against a psychopath!



On a side note the in game cutscenes were very good this time round. I especially liked Alora jumping down to meet you on Hoth (why can't we do that? I suppose our jump at the end was similar... Gravity!) I also particularly enjoyed the end of Taspir ones and when you meet your colleges on Korriban if you grasped the darkside:

"I can't let you pass."

"That's what you say!";)


I'd have to say it was probably the final ascent into Vader's chambers that I liked best. The room with the statue should have been the final arena tho.

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I have to say I really disliked all the levels with Kyle. He's not a light jedi at all - 50% of the force lightnings I saw in this game were created by Kyle. I really wonder how someone using as many dark powers as him could become a Jedi Master...


As for my favorite Level:

I just loved the Jedi Knights Tomb. The atmosphere there is really nice and there are almost only adepts to fight - no cheap gunusers.

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Taspir is one of my absolute favorites.

Plenty of ledges to throw of any kind of imperial scum. Beautiful view and lots of lava broiling in the depths.

Here i used Speed-Force Jump alot. The animation of that move is simply hilarious and very nice to cover big abysses under your feet.


Hoth also comes onto the favorites list. You start thinking back to the movie and the war that waged on hoth and all you see now is ruins and leftovers. Kind of a ghost-town feeling.

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I loved the Corellia tram mission. It had a great sense of speed and the weather effects were well done. I love the arm protecting your face from the wind character animation.


I also loved Chandrila. Very atmospheric level with great lighting and scenery.

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The Corellia tram thing was just very cool, with the speed element( this did remind me a bit of the coruscant chase in AOTC) and I loved how Jaden held up his/her arm, bracing against the winds I guess.


However, being and old school SW junkie I have to admit running around echo base, and riding tauntauns was GREAT !!! If I was ever good enough to do it, I would like to create a scripted map where you can run around killing snowtroopers during the Hoth invasion in ESB, perhaps bumping into Vader along the way....



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Most of the levels slowed my comp down. Taspir was the worst cause I played the level at like 10 FPS. The fog, lava, cloaking troopers, jetpack troopers, ect. really slowed my game down because of my TNT2.


My favorite level was hoth because of the movie connections and TAUN TAUNS!!!! :cowdance (there is no Tauntaun smilie)

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Originally posted by leXX

I loved the Corellia tram mission. It had a great sense of speed and the weather effects were well done. I love the arm protecting your face from the wind character animation.


I also loved Chandrila. Very atmospheric level with great lighting and scenery.


Same. :)

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I rather enjoyed the level with Wedge on the gas mining platform. Mind Trick + Grip + Push = only 10 guys dying due to something other than being hurled into a gas giant. :D


Speeder bike level was fun, as was the last pair. Well, if you're light side, that is. If you're dark side, those Jedi are tougher than the Sith, I find. But go in light side, you get a personal army, no Mind Trick required!

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Anakin, I also loved taking on ALora for the 2nd time. I though it was really cool that she could throw both her sabres at the same time! ALthough the fight was very remeniscent of the Tavion fight in JO because alora was so agile and fast.


I'll have to replay the fight though because the first time I won a sabre lock, pulled off a flashy move and sliced her up. All too easy!


I too liked Hoth, not only because you got to do all the cool star wars stuff (ride a taun taun, kill a wampa ice monster (or two!), go into echo base), but also bea=caus eof the cutscene at the end. In fact lots of the cutscenes were really good, especially the one before you fight Alora as a light-sider.

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