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New Matrix Revolutions Trailer

Boba Rhett

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It certainly proves that the "real world" isn't so real after all. That Neo destroying Sentinels, and Smith's infiltration, just show another level of the Matrix that exists. As much as the last movie was long, throwing you in one direction, the last 5-10 minutes almost made the whole movie a red herring, irrelevant to what they really wanted to show you.


Notice that Smith in someone elses body, in the supposed real world, is now seen like how Neo saw the world when in the Matrix... Doesn't that look like Cypher, with hair that he has taken over??? What is that meant to mean?


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The guy who was taken over wasn't cypher, he was obliterfired. They guy is called Bane, you even see him get taken over and then Smith goes through the phone into his body.


I still don't want to beleive it is as simple as another matrix outside the original. I think when Neo explodes Smith in the first film part of Neo is copied onto him like he says, but part of Smith is also copied onto Neo. Thus the ability to effect the machines in the real world.


I'm pretty sure now that Smith, or Bane, causes Neo to go blind with the obliterfrier.... well, the electric beam gun thing. Notice the burn marks on Neo's face around the cloth? So our hero is blind :(


We will hopefully find out what happened to Smith after he exploded. He probably didn't, but my guess is that he went into the world that Neo is trapped in in revolutions.


Anyhoo I can't wait for all these things to be answered. And if they aren't I'll scream like this




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Yes Chase. You're missing the point that it'd be completely moronic for there to be a matrix inside of a matrix. It dosen't even make sense.


Say, you get freed. Okay, wow, the REAL world sucks. Robots trying to kill me. Wow cool, this blows. What? I'm still in another matrix? WTF was the point? Why is the archetecht of the matrix on the lowest level? Why is the oracle on the lowest level? WHY DO ALL THE REAL BADDIES EXIST ON THE LOWEST LEVEL!! IT'S RETARTED!!




I think I might have seen this wrong, but when he talks to big bad roboty guy, his eyes aren't scorched or gouged out JUST yet. I think maybe he blindfolded himself so he wouldn't have to see the fields of grown humans, which would probably make him go insane. Just a thought


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But most of them do end up seeing the fields at one point or another. Remember in the first one when Morpheus was talking about seeing them himself? Good spot about the eyes though. They sure don't look injured yet there.


and whoever was talking about Smith and Neo switching places when they punched. They don't, the camera just changes.




Here's a question! Why are they using those mech suits? Why aren't they using the magnetic pulse weapons on their remaining ships? It seemed to be quite effective against the squidies in the first movie.

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As far as I'm concerned Neo puts on the blindfold before he and trinity enter that huge fleet of sentinals. That way his eyes won't be damaged by the heat and light of the huge explosion of the sentinals when he does his thing. The burn marks are the after effect, maybe he is found by the machines and taken to the giant floaty head dude. You can't really see if he has the blindfold on when he talks to him.




Nevermind, just saw some REALLY nasty looking burn marks around the outside of the cloth BEFORE the explosions. Looks like Neo is blinded. Ironic isn't it. How he won't ever be able to see the new world. :(



About the EMP, they can't use the EMP inside Zion, it would shut down all of their systems, including the life support. Besides, a good deal of the ships were destroyed in the second film.

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Originally posted by RoguePhotonic

Well I think they are but you can't stop them all like that.



And they CAN with the mech suits? :indif:



About the EMP, they can't use the EMP inside Zion, it would shut down all of their systems, including the life support. Besides, a good deal of the ships were destroyed in the second film.


They're about to be erradicated by 200,000 killer robots. You'd think they'd shut those down for a few minutes so they could better fight to keep their entire city from being destroyed.

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Originally posted by Boba Rhett

They're about to be erradicated by 200,000 killer robots. You'd think they'd shut those down for a few minutes so they could better fight to keep their entire city from being destroyed. [/b]


Well yeah, but considering the EMP lasts alot longer than a few minutes I don't think they'd take the risk. At the end of Enter the Matrix, you use the EMP and you have to wait to be rescued, so I don't think it lasts just a few minutes.


And LeXX. I think the hovercraft would more than likely be wiped out my the little shrimpy things if they hung around outside too long, so my guess is they all came home for some tea.

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