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I cannot leave this game alone!

Darth Groovy

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I got this great game for $20, it's called Aliens Versus Predator 2: Gold Edition. Thats AVP2 + AVP2: Primal Hunt.


This game makes you feel like your in the movie. You can play as the Alien, The Predator, or the Space Marine. Has all the weapons from all the movies. Even the maps all resemble the sets from the films.


Right now, I have only been playing single player missions, I would like to play a multiplayer game, but it doesn't have bots, you need real players to link up and play.


So that being said, if any of you play this game, or want to, please send me a private message, or post here. For those who have not seen or heard of this game, I leave you with screenshots!




















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I really liked the start of the human single player campaign...was fun moving around watching my tracker....though online is to crazy for me...if you try to play as predator for real it never seems to work right.


Though I love throwing that disk at people and cutting their heads off :p

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Originally posted by ckcsaber

Yeah, single player is scary as hell. The marines motion sensor will put you on edge, with its infernal beeping never really helping you, but always making you sweat, wondering where the hell the aliens are...


If you wanna play online sometime, send me a PM this way! :p

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I played the MP demo of AvP2 for some time, as an alien... I just love moving as fast as they do and then jumping up to some enemy and scare the hell out of them!! Wallwalk is very confusing though...


I think I'll look for the game sometime, I wanna play the full version :D

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Originally posted by Darth Eggplant

i remember that game when it came out, you might be interested to know that they are going to finally make a movie out it, Alien vs. Predator the guy who directed Resident Evil is going to do it.


Oh no, I hope it isn't as bad as Resident Evil, that movie was complete ****e!:( If I see Milla Jovavich do that wall run, one more time, i'm gonna loose my breakfast.

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Yeah this game rocks. I love playing the Alien the most. In dark corners you would find me lucking, unmoving like a spider in its web. Patiently awaiting my prey.


Alas, Groovy. I can't play you online (stinking 28k connection). But then I have played this with my brother and a heap of friends via LAN to the point that I will go green in the gills should I see it again in action. Too much of a good thing can be bad.

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Played some AvP2 MP this Summer at a LAN party - entertaining stuff especially if you get the patch that allow you, as an alien, to go through their life cycle, from facehugger over chestburster (very vulnerable state for about 15 secs :p) to drone and finally to queen (hardly effective in open spaces but big!)! It's funny as all hell :D


The SP campaign is great too, and you might not think it but playing the alien campaign is the most relaxing because being an alien the creepy little facehuggers in the dark corners are now your cute little friends and you can let go of the paranoia :cool:


Sadly, the most difficult race to play is my favourite movie monster of all times, the Predator, but I guess that's a challenge to live up to.


"They're coming out of the goddamn walls!"

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