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Your Help Is Needed!!


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As most of you know I am now going for master smuggler, and I just got novice today, but I need locked containers to get to slicing 1. I need to successfully slice 19 more containers. If you guys have any containers pls tell me, I will come to you.


Also Grask could you sell me some clamps, so I dont have to fail every other time?


Your help is much appreciated.


-Keldor Ozatras-

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You guys are going to think I'm an -A-hole (if you don't already =P), but I don't give/sell clamps. I feel like it's cheating.


Weapons are level specific, meds are level specific, dances are level specific, Smuggler tools should be also. The whole point of getting to Slicing IV is so you can make them yourself. Some guy was telling me how Slicing IV was worthless the other day, because he had been using clamps the entire time (he thought the 100% chance meant he didn't have to use any tools except the knives). He's right if you play the game that way. I don't care how much $$ you offer me, or how good of friends we are (my best friend wanted to be a Smuggler, I told him the same thing). I'd dump Smuggler and become a Master ID before I'd give a Novice Smuggler a clamp.


Containers = Red

Terminals = Blue

Weapons & Armor = Use 3 FANs

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I'll give mine to the next -A- member I see in game. However, I will be extremely busy tonight, so perhaps Tuesday.


Originally posted by swediot=)

it doesnt matter what i say does it. you just CAN'T stick to your OWN PA forum.... your never going to listen to me are you?... well... I hope you fall into a hole some where!!


*runs off whimpering


Did you say something? Whats your name again? lol


Actually swediot, I've been here since I first joined these forums back in January. The only difference is, now you guys know I watch everything. As far as your concerns, I have no reason to share any information about -A- with anyone, nor will I be in the near future. I have too much going on with SoA, Echo, NYC and ISF.

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Originally posted by Deft Aklin


Lousy no good ROE breakers.



Speaking of, I think I need to meet with Cai about a horse. *evil grin*


How much do you think the PA hall location for NYC (Exyll and H'bsr's PA) would be worth to him? :D


Excelent, he will be pleased to hear that. Contact rogue if cai's not on defy boy. :) Good work

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How would I be getting on your bad side? I would never sell information to a friends guild. I have standards. I've had this idea for a long time actually. (I wanted to make a two characters on other servers, and make them undercover spies. Join the Rebellion, sell important info on one server, join the Empire, sell important info on it on the other server).

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