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The Grim Reaper Loves You!

Reaper Girl

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So...Halloweenie is coming...*twitch* its my favorite holiday*twitch*


But the Lord of...ahem, i mean, the most popular Halloween costumes is one of the most hated characters/symbols.


People don't like...the Grim Reaper.


This is a life long legacy for me. I've been doodling the little bastarde since the second grade.

I read Reaper Man in the sixth grade.

I was the Death Dude three years in a row.


BUT...nobody likes him!


I once painted a picture of Death...a work in progress that overlooked the basement. My mom made me cover it.


When i was depressed last year, any doodle of Death was seen as a sucide plea.





So...love 'em or hate 'em...discuss.


PS my quest for an avatar has reached its end...

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personally, i love Death, especially in the pratchett novels.


People don't like him (or 'it' i fyou prefer) because it is seen as being the ultimate evil. A man who comes and steals your right to life, whereas i believe nothing of the sort happens.


I have a theory (which i won't bother to expand upon now) which states that every action we make is already effectively made for us and that whatever does happen was always going to happen.


So whenever anyone dies, that was their appointed time. no life is ever cut short, no one ever lives on borrowed time, etc. Death doesn't steal, he just takes you to the next stop wherever that is.


I don't think death is good or bad or right or wrong or fair or unjust. It's just death, just another moment in a series of billions.

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last year, i was the grim reaper for halloween...i had the scythe and everything like that. of course, the fabric was thin and it was very drafty...:eek::D no, but seriously, i was, and i even had the mask with the blood stuff that trickles down the front :cool: i know that's really old and lame now, but i had never done it before, and i decided to be a roll of life savers or an m 'n' m (sp?) again. my little brother was spongebob...and i would've been patrick but i don't think they make patrick costumes. :( anyway, i was the grim reaper, and i don't know whether i like him or not...i've nevery met him, you know. ;)

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People don't like the grim reaper? But it's so cool! I like those old woodcuts of death coming for plague victims, and death in the discworld novels. There's a brilliant picture of death with a guitar in the 2003 discworld calendar.

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Originally posted by Das Mole

last year, i was the grim reaper for halloween...i had the scythe and everything like that. of course, the fabric was thin and it was very drafty...:eek::D


Hope you were wearing pants...under...ick....


Orginally posted by SamNMax

You know, his real name's Manny. Nice guy.


i neeeed to get Grim Fandango. I can't believe i've been a reaper fan all these years and...and...*runs to GFN to drool at pictures*


I'm happy to see i'm not the only death head here!


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Originally posted by Captain Andy

I became very attached to Death after watching "Meet Joe Black." I liked that movie.


Oh hey, and when I wake up in the morning I look like Death, even without a costume and mask.


I'm SSOOOOOO glad you're back Andy......it'll be just like the good old times I promise!!!

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Awww, we don't have Halloween here. It IS some kinda religious thingy, but nobody celebrates it, so I don't get to dress up like The Grim Reaper either. Bummer.


And yeah, I like the Grim Reaper too. Something about it just appeals to me.

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Originally posted by Lemon Head

personally, i love Death, especially in the pratchett novels.


People don't like him (or 'it' i fyou prefer) because it is seen as being the ultimate evil. A man who comes and steals your right to life, whereas i believe nothing of the sort happens.


I have a theory (which i won't bother to expand upon now) which states that every action we make is already effectively made for us and that whatever does happen was always going to happen.


So whenever anyone dies, that was their appointed time. no life is ever cut short, no one ever lives on borrowed time, etc. Death doesn't steal, he just takes you to the next stop wherever that is.


I don't think death is good or bad or right or wrong or fair or unjust. It's just death, just another moment in a series of billions.


That's a pretty clear interpretation of what pretty much everything Pterry has said about Death in this world or the next.


But yeah, Death is pretty cool because he's not actually a bad guy, he's not a good guy either though, he's pretty much just a guy (if you believe him to be male, or even human, or god knows, maybe he's just an anthropormorphic personification of death).


Orca, if you like Reaper Man (Only death could come up with an alias like Bill Door) Try Mort, it's hella funny. Or even just about any other discworld novel (you have 28 to choose from, his latest being monsterous regiment, which so far, is pretty good although i've only read a smidgen). My personal favorites are the 'Watch' novels closely followed by any witch novel.

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Originally posted by Neil Joshi

That's a pretty clear interpretation of what pretty much everything Pterry has said about Death in this world or the next.

Well i've read a lot of it so it's bound to rub off sooner or later. but i wasn't just pinching things, i really do believe that death (whether treated as a state or an anthropomorphism) isn't a bad thing, it just is.


Of course, there's no real reason why i should believe one point of view and not another point of view, but it just seems that a gigantic cosmic force is unlikely to have petty morals at a base human level. Which, funnily enough, is the precise same reason why i think that if there is a God then it wouldn't be vengeful or merciful or kind or evil, it would probably be several moralistic and emotional planes higher than we could ever understand.


and if this turns into a big debate over whether god exists or not, i'll just back out right now and say i agree with everyone because it's just not worth getting into

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Augh...religous conversation... i know you're just stating your opinions, but this is GrimGrim we're talking about....


...did i just say GrimGrim?*twitch*like he's a little hampster?

so much for the cosmic awe...


And as for Plunder Island...maybe i...uh...have my resources....

*Has been trying hard not to read walkthru. VERY HARD*


By the way...ooooh! the grim reaper is a BEANIE BABY! i don't have online proof, but...i saw it!i....BOUGHT IT!





okay...its not the GRIM REAPER. but it sure looks like it, don't it?

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