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The Galactic Union

Deft Aklin

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As at least Corzip and Jan know, the GU was created to promote good RP between both sides of the GCW. I have taken it upon myself to kickstart the organization, as it seems to be crumbling as many other guilds are.


I know your organization is a part of the GU, however I have not seen a Delegate on the GU boards. I am hoping you can get involved and attend GU events and such as you have done in the past. Yes, perhaps it is a bit more difficult as you are not directly associated with either side, however, a neutral opinion is needed as well.


There seems to be little activity on the GU board that isn't from all of three organizations, but I plan to remedy that. I am asking you to aid me in that venture.


I am quite positive we can get all of the major PAs there, and that is what I am going to try and do. However, non-RP guilds will most likely not want to participate. Anyway, let me know your thoughts on this guys. (Jan and Corzip in particular)

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Well, as of right now, only three organizations outside of the GU leaders are truly participating. Those being <DS> (40 members), <THM> (25 members) and <KOTA> (15 members?). However, more organizations have joined, but are just not active. Expect DS to heat things up a bit to spark this again.


THM (The Honored Maidens), have started a small flame with KOTA (The Knight of the Alliance) by allowing their Head Mistress to be kidnapped. Political debate is just winding down and expect much more, especially from the RP divas over at THM.


We'll try to keep current events visible on the Official forums, but honestly, what stays visible on the official forums more than 5 minutes at a time without being bumped?

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You guys are hanging around the wrong crowd.


Best Rebel RP:

Noldat of Echo, though the rest of the guild fails miserably. <Echo>

KOTA is pretty good too, they run out of Tyrena. <KoTA>


Best Imp RP:

Dark Sovereignty: Pretty much all of our ranking individuals. Sayge', Martigan, Jeuke, Paidhi, Nicab, Kirara.....on and on and on <DS>

The Honored Maidens: Whole guild rocks at RP. <THM>

501st: I haven't met them yet, but I've heard nothing but good things.



SHADE: A good chuck of this guild is good at RP. <SHADE>

Galactic Union: Anyone in the guild. <GU>

Dark Arts Conservatory: Pretty much the whole guild, even though they are only entertainers. <DAC>


Hope that helps.


As far as the involvement. They have a meeting a month, unless circumstances dictate otherwise. I.E. Wars, kidnappings, negotiations.....any other RP we choose to create. A lot happens on the forums there, in which you only really need to check once a month or so.

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well people... since jan is like.. not around a lot,... he is out :p;)


i would like to be one.. i need to improve my RP...

... and second... I hope you all agree.... X'ero..


ill be sending a PM to Deft now to ask for the link.

i hope you all agree on this :)


Corzip Dinn

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I volunteered for a few reasons.


#1 I would like to Role Play Arina

#2 I have ABSOLUTELY nothing better to do... my character is done, save for dancing :(

#3 I feel I have no connection to this PA in any way, except I fly the -A- tag near my name... and pay butt-loads of taxes...

#4 I want to be able to DO something... have a purpose...


...but X'ero is a fine choice... Wonderful leader, your wisdom rules us all. May we fare better from your decisions.


Congrats, X'ero. It should be fun.

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