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Admit it Man ! You like JA because it let's you use a saber !!!


The main attraction of JO/JA is the being able to use a lightsaber and 'The Force' !!  

51 members have voted

  1. 1. The main attraction of JO/JA is the being able to use a lightsaber and 'The Force' !!

    • Yes it is ! It makes me feel like a jedi !!
    • No. I'd rather frag foes with anything but the saber !!

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This was prompted by another thread, which referred to a UT SW mod.


The point was raised that as good as the mod appeared(and any other FPS SW mod), it shouldnt be compared to JO/JA because it doesnt have sabers in it. I am curious to find out what JO/JA players out there think about this.


The use of the saber, and the force, IMHO is central to the JK series, otherwise it would just be another FPS, star wars or not.


I am not referring to MP/SP specifically, I just want to see how many people out there are into this game mainly because it gives you the chance to wield a saber...which is undeniably exciting for a SW fan...



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pfft, I've started playing ff/guns, and I don't use the saber anymore. Instead, I put the points I could have used in saber into the rest of the force powers. Plus, I automatically have access to level 3 dual handed lightning, and punching. A punching death against a saberist is the equivalent of knifing someone who is using an m4a1 in CS.

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Sabers and Force are the "meat" of the game, but that doesn't mean you can't enjoy it without them. That's just another neat "feature" of the game... a little something for everyone.


I honestly don't duel that much, to me the saber is just one of many weapons in your arsenal. I will engage in a saber challenge now and then for fun, but I have spent very little time on duel servers waiting my turn to clash sabers.


There hasn't been a non-force/non-saber SW FPS since Dark Forces really... so if that UT mod team wants to make one, more power to them. Just hope they don't get foxed by LA... after all, Republic Commando is coming out in 2005...




I guess to be honest I like this game because it's Star Wars (but that doesn't mean I like a game JUST because it's star wars, I admit there have been many terrible and mediocre SW games released in the past). I also like sci fi and I like sword fighting.


So the JK series has been pretty much a bunch of stuff I like all rolled into one. Suites me fine. ; )


And there is another internet-multiplayer game that features melee combat and magic powers... it's called Heretic II, made by none other than Raven software (on the Quake II engine).


I know Rune and Rune:Halls of Valhala feature multiplayer online Melee combat, but the "powers" in that game are all just weapon enhancements, not versatile powers like you see in JA (fun game though).

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I love the crackling sizzle of the blade ignition, makes me feel immortal, hehe.

Don't get me wrong I love my sniper rifle, and blaster pistol.

And ofcourse I wouldn't trade my force absorb, speed and mind trick for a thing and you gotta love those pull saber combos(can't get them to work in MP.



If you Dark Jedi would quit using grip and lightning, it would be much obliged, I could allocate my points from absorb to protect and lvl 3 saber throw, thanks.






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Originally posted by g//plaZma

Rad better have raped that IGF dude. After that match I've had with them, I really hate those guys. But nice shot anyways.


Actually, I believe I did take out Agen, but kurgan's server has a wierd thing with duel that whenever someone falls to their death, it lags up the server hardcore, as though it does the slow down associated with a saberist dying in SP.

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i mostly like it because i like games with magic and swords but also like futurist games aswell starwars gives me both:D

i like hacking stormys to bits with over the top dismemberment just like in severance heh thats a fun game too if anyone has played u know what i meen lol

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Originally posted by HaruGlory89

I'm not a multiplayer, but I do play with bots :o Don't laugh. I feel that the saber is what makes the Jedi Knight series special. However, I just love using some weapons like the Imperial Repeater.


WOW ! FREAKY ! I DO ALL THE SAME THINGS !!! I love the repeater coz its fast, but the sabers are what makes the game. I mainly play with bots too. I love Lan games, though might get into more online stuff when I get my ADSL eventually,,,,,



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Originally posted by HaruGlory89

I'm not a multiplayer, but I do play with bots :o Don't laugh. I feel that the saber is what makes the Jedi Knight series special. However, I just love using some weapons like the Imperial Repeater.


Hey , playing against Bots is great practice, There my sparring and warmup before I go Online.


Is it just me or are the bots actually somewhat difficult in this game unlike JO. I barely hit the kill limit before chewbacca bot and cultist bot did, they seem harder than tha rest w/ saber only on.

What stha deal with Boba, never scores more than 3 points with s/on or s/off setting, shouldn't he be more kick arse? He just runs around trying to mske precise hits with the blaster pistol and barely gets any kills, what a noob, sheesh, damn AI.


Would it be kinda cool if a Jedi could use his blaster pistol in one hand(for ranged attacks) and saber in the other(for melee).

Hope Luc Solar or Rad Blackrose don't see this, it has please flame me writen all over it(hence the kinda in bold), heck might as well make it saber in one hand and the heavy reapeter in the other, now that would rock(ofcourse you would have to use the latter in 3rd person, Or spend 2 days hacking to use 1st person with the saber).





P.S. Or even come out with a "shrub mod" like "RTCW" were you can pick up dead folks sabers, guns, etc.(and even clothing in siege, giving a new class, "Spy").



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