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Worlds Smallest Guitar

Boba Rhett

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Cornell researchers have built the world's smallest guitar, with strings 100 atoms thick that must be plucked with a laser beam. Still no cure for cancer. :D






The world's smallest guitar is 10 micrometers long -- about the size of a single cell -- with six strings each about 50 nanometers, or 100 atoms, wide. Made by Cornell University researchers from crystalline silicon, it demonstrates a new technology for a new generation of electromechanical devices





That's just awesome. :D

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Dude! You could totally shred on that! :D


On second thought... how do you plug it in? Have they built a nano-amp stack to go with it?



Seems too me that some people have way too much time on thier hands to have access to such high-tech equipment.


Still, it's cool...

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ok...well...we can make microscopic guitars, but, alas, still no cure for aids. Or any virus for that matter.

I think we need to get our priorities straight.

I wonder how many millions of dollars it took to make that little thing?





that is our future.

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