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Some people in this "community" do actually like this game, right?


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Originally posted by SlapNut

well i didnmt understand alot of thoes nerdy gaming words u used like noob or 1337, is that the year u were born or something? all i can say is that i like playing ja and killing people in a cheap way, its all good. go ja


I don't enjoy MP playing, not for the design, but for the people, they seem to do everything you don't want them to do. As for the nerdy gaming words, I take that as annoying. And you know, if you flip the 3s around put a verticle line through the 7 and erase the stems of the 1 you get leet, uhh... sort of. Witch, I guess, is supposed to be 'leet a sorry excuse for an abbrevaiton of eliete. Hope that helps ;)

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Originally posted by CapNColostomy

Go down through the list of threads here. I challenge you to find a positive topic (not counting sticky threads).


Kinda sad isn't it?


Personally I am having a blast with the game in MP(havn't played in almost a week though) and SP, my son is also having a blast as well playing as Luke in SP against the NPC spawns I throw in for him.



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Well, there's one good thing to say about JA: it was nice filler till Max Payne 2 came out. :D


Just kidding, although MP2 happens to be the best game I've played this year (by several country miles. Also looks a damn sight better than HL2 and Doom 3). JA SP is pretty much flawless other than the menu interface, I had a really good time with it. MP has bugs and a couple of balancing issues, and I don't think too much of Siege, but at the bottom of it, it's a good game. I've had some brilliant duels that make the games I've played in JK2 look like a couple of preteens fencing with felt-tips.


What I want to know is why it's been... what... two months now? and we still haven't had even an announcement of a patch yet. Maybe there is a patch but LucasArts are putting it through rigorous quality assurance testing, but considering that most games have a patch out that corrects most issues within a week of its release, it's all somewhat disappointing.

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Well I'm not 100% satisfied with JA... there are some really annoying bugs that I want to see fixed (namely poor bot support and the server display bug) and Single Player could have been a little more polished and in-depth (plot wise and in terms of little details like the player voices and things).


But, that said I like the game a lot, and in most respects I feel it's superior to Jedi Outcast (a game I loved despite IT'S flaws).


I think it's an improvement and I've had a lot of fun hosting and playing it.


I just hope that LA allows Raven to give this game the support it deserves in terms of (responsible) patching and necessary editing tools like the SDK.

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Storywise it is a little light (as was JK:JO IMHO) but the maps are amazing and the fights a riot. The puzzles aren't exactly Half Life innovative, but not bad.


I just discovered that if you hit force speed + jump you take off like a rocket and go into fun slow motion animations--and get some grand distance! Excellent touch!

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You like to stereotype children to homophobic and illiterate people do you? (I don't know, I seem to find his comments kind of offending, I'm 14.)


Well back on topic, I love this game, its currently my favourite game, I've replayed it over 10-20 times and I'm STILL not bored of it.


Yes, I have to admit, some aspects of the game are weak, like the storyline, but I never really cared for storyline, unless its a game like Max Payne. ( Max Payne 2's noir love story sounds intriguing too)


I don't have much to say here because I'm not a big MP fan, because my computer is slower than camels on weed.

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Originally posted by Prime

I like this game a lot.


Thus your statement is false.




The best part is the fact that the guy was in here reading at all. Without even mentioning that he bothered to register and post, I find it very comical that he enjoys reading about a game he doesn't even like. JA-The game you love to hate, I guess.

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Generaly speaking, rants/complaints/whines always outnumber postive comments on a public board. This makes sense though, because those who enjoy the game are playing it. Those who aren't feel a need to tell everyone else exactly why they don't.


Which I never understod, why should the fact that you feel this, that and the other thing suck, must mean I agree with you, or alter my opinion of the game...


But I guess that's human nature at it's base...

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Yeah and the thing is, let's say hypothetically that Raven DID listen to requests from whiners.


Which whiners do they listen to?



As you know there are people whining about contradictory things. People say staff is too powerful. Others say its too weak. Some say Duals are too powerful. Others say too weak. Some say the force is "nerfed" others say it's "lame." Some say Katas are "worthless" others say they are "spammed."


Some say the game takes skill, others say its "too n00b friendly."


And do they listen to the people posting on this forum, or do they listen to the ones on Raven Software forums? JK3files? Massassi? The MSN Gaming Zone? TheForce.net? Gamespy? Starwars.com? Emails? IRC?


If it were just a matter of correcting what whiners demand they'd go insane just trying to sort through all the different complaints all over the internet!


This isn't an official forum, so what makes the opinions here any more worth listening too than the others? But they probably don't think about that when they post their complaints.


And I laugh too when I see people trying to 'establish their credentials' for complaining about the game. Do you honestly think that Raven has heard of or keeps track of what clans are out there or who consider themselves the best player?


Unless you've won international renown by winning some huge $$$ prize in an official competition or two (like that guy "Thresh" did for Quake/Doom whatever back in the day) or made some incredibly innovative and popular mod (like the guy who made Coloseum) they probably don't know you from Adam. Anybody can claim they are the "elite" but what does that matter to them anyway?


You're just one of hundreds of thousands (or millions) who bought a game with an internet handle. ; )

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I'm sure Raven are perfectly adept at what to listen to and what not to: all PC games developers (particularly FPS ones, and even more so ones that are played online) pick up this skill over time, because online PC gamers are so incredibly vocal (I won't call it whinging because some of the criticism can be helpful and constructive), and Raven are veterans of the genre. The rule of thumb is that if people from Raven post with any degree of frequency at a forum, that's the forum where people are most likely to be heard.


Raven listened to some of the better criticisms from JK2 for their later patches, and although some people think the changes were for the worse, these people are frankly jerks and shouldn't be listened to :p. Raven knew that, that's one reason why we haven't had another patch for it. In my experience, complaining constructively in the right places can lead to good things.

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i love this game, bravo raven! i say :clap2:


its just human nature to complain about things no matter how trivial.

i love the game but even i agree with the complaint that SP was a bit short or alot of the missions weren't long enough.

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I was really disapointed in JA, my buds that played outcast won't touch JA with a 10 foot pole many reasons posted many, many times in this forum.

Playing lots of BF1942 SW and Call Of Duty.

Call Of Duty a great game... MP rocks in it.. Like AA and Moh mixed with a hint of cs.

No big clans playing this game.

Oh and siege is not anywhere as cool as they led us to believe, I found it un-fun because of the low quality of team work and a bad combat system to work within.

Ill play s/o ff in JO thanks more peeps are playing it...

Very disapointed....:mad:

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This game could be much more than it is and they dropped the ball. Also Raven is cool but as a buyer of just about all the games they have made in the past few years..(SOF 's ST ef jk ja ect... )

They always have the attitude that modders can finish stuff they started. like st ef and jo felt unfinished in MP mode.If feels like they never test themp sections of the games. And the lack of maps.. jo and ef off the top ofmy head...

It just make this game paleby comparing itto other games..

And I for 1 am a huge SW fan and online gamer and feel likethey didn't try to make it on par with ither mp games out there.

damn look at all the guys playing counter still after what 5 years?....


I wish this game didn't stink so bad..



Prime I remeber fighting you, laz,arty and Dr Shaft Good times with pro mod we did have...sigh too bad no one plays it still...

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I love this game.


Plain and simple.


It is twice as long (SP, which is what sells licensed games to the masses) as any of the other popular games now, and I found it very replayable.


Excuse me, I have a female human named Jaden who has an itch that can only be scratched by slicing some Stormtroopers to attend to ...



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Originally posted by CapNColostomy

That goes without saying. What game couldn't be more than what it is?

Ahhh ... isn't that the truth ... ?


Even GameSpy's 5-star darling Halo, ironically made it at #10 on most over-rated because of the many shortcomings, all of which are still there.


The question is not if the game met your dreams, but your realistic expectations.


JA fell a bit short of mine in some ways, exceeded them by a bit in others. In total, it just feels good to me to play it.



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