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Rouge Squadron III qwirks.


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So I got RSIII. I popped it into my gamecube, and played it a bit. It was pretty damn hard(bad navigation+horrid depth perception=bad), but I was amazed by the graphics and sheer gameplay. Then I fought on the ground. My amazement went down to a "So when do I get to pilot the x-wing again"?.


So now I'm going to list some of the things in the game that seem odd.


1. Why is it that is it me and maybe 3 others that have to fight against 30+ fighters? 5 or 10 others would be nice. I mean, the rebellion isnt too small to allow some more vehicles...


2. How the heck did the Trade Federation/Empire ever win a battle? Wedge was able to go Rambo style against 60+ Droids and Stormtroopers on Genosis, and won. Wedge hardly has any muscles, too. But he was able to evade 5+ lazers at a time. Mind you, Wedge was using a blaster PISTOL most of the time.


3. Aparently, a blaster is more useful than a lightsaber. At the battleground hoth misson, Luke only used his lightsaber on the At-At's belly. On the ground I had to use the plain ol' blaster..


And I'm barely up to the 4th level in each campaign..

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Navigation has always been a problem with the RS series in terms of where individual enemies are and such, but like i always say "follow the big orange wedge" XD


1. You should've played the original X-Wing game then. In one campaign mission it was just you in a Y-Wing capturing a couple of shuttles and defending your own shuttles against a few TIEs being launched from two nearby Nebulon B's


2. It's a game and the ground missions are crap when it comes to gameplay so they had to dumb down the Stormies quite a bit and put on an auto target system for the player which isn't really that good anywayz.


3. This is Rogue Squadron, not Jedi Knight / Jedi Outcast / Jedi Academy



edit: on another note...



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Originally posted by Lynk Former

Gamecube is the console I chose and I'm glad I chose it *nods*.

Me too. Then my uncle gave me a PS2 for christmas, so I got two consoles. I'm not complaining. Why must people think that if they own one console they have to make fun of the others :confused:

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Originally posted by Pisces

Yep. I got it and an Xbox so I'm happy where I stand. Besides, I need the cube for Prime and such. :D

Whoever says GCN is a kiddy game console needs to take a good look at that game. I remember the first time i shot an insect up close and the blood and guts were on your visor. It was cool.

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Most games on the PS2 and Xbox end up ported to the PC or gamecube. Most games on the gamecube arent ported to the PC. Thus, getting a gamecube and your PC will give you the largest library of games.


(Besides, getting Link in Soul Caliber II is worth it.:D)

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Cant believe I forgot this..Game Boy Player. I hate playing gameboy games(mainly FFTA and Advance Wars Two) on that tiny little screen on the gameboy, and when I got the player I was in heaven. Along with my wavebird,(works great, IMO) I was able to spend 12+ hours playing FFTA..ah..


And Fire Emblem is coming out soon(or is out..). I dont see why people are saying Nintendo is doing badly on thier Gamecube, since it has some amazing games(Viewtiful Joe, Eternal Darkness, Super Smash Bros Melee, Zelda, Metroid Prime..), and with the Gameboy games(I dont mind the poor graphics, heck FFTA has some of the best 2d art ever).


Plus, I wont have to break my back taking my Gamecube, even with the gameboy player, to my friends house. Unlike a certain other console..*eyes X-box*




Edit- Woah, talk about getting off topic..

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