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Fun way to kill the sand creature!


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Well, just somethin I "found out"


I was messing around with that sand worm, and I tought "Hey, if it follows movements, just might just work".


I threw a timed thermal in the floor, and the thing sensed its movement and ate it!

You'll know you have killed it when it screeches.








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Yeah, I didn't know it was possible to kill them until I figured this out.


Revenge time :dev11:


If you spawn a sand worm and kill it, more won't come, but I don't know how it works on the sand creature's level. Probably there are more.

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The Governor of California once said,

"If it bleeds, we can kill it" (Predator)


Any of the npcs can die in JA. Even the mutant rancor, though he/it takes damn ages to kill ! If anyone wants to play "implode the saarlac" as described by Lince, its cool to type in cg_debughealthbars, and you'll get the healthbar on top to give you an idea of how much needed to go !


also, npc kill all is handy if you want to clear a level of nasties, like the saarlac level. My advice, spawn an atst, that blenjeel level is much easier to finish


for all SW/freaks, spawn Boba, and try and get the saarlac to eat him just like in ROTJ .......



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I noticed this a while back, but didn't see any need to post it...I figured it was fairly obvious if you play around with them enough. I spawned around 50 of them and played around for an hour. It was scary being chased around t2_trip with these dust trails following me. The riders I pulled of bikes died quickly, and so did the jawas that I spawned and force pushed into their jaws. :)


Good thing you posted though, or people would still be frustrated with the ****ed things. :D

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I'd heard about this some time back, when my neighbour first brought it to my attention. The trick is to throw one thermal det, then wait about 1 second, then throw the next. The sand worm will surface where the 1st thermal det expodes, and will then swallow the second det which is on the same spot. If you time it right, you can watch them flop over and die while still above-ground.


By the way, for those who were wondering where I had gone to, my hard-disk died (lousy IBM Deskstar) and I lost almost everything (including 2 mods I was working on. Had to reinstall. I'm back now.

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I've been having a lot of fun with this stupid sand creature. Even on Jedi Master the dumb thing isn't very smart! lol


i've been spawning swoops and ridiing them around, testing my reaction times to dodge the sand creature when it pops up in front of the swoop :). it's like a game inside a game lol

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