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Awwww, beat me to it, I love that quote. Anyways, that isn't the first report.


A woman in one of those tiny insignificant northeasterly states thought she smelled something weird in the chimney one day, so she called the chimney cleaner to clean it out, and the results were slightly disturbing to say the least. Well she found a corpse that was DNA tested and revealed to be a man who was a burglar back when the house was first built. He apparently dissapeared from the town records, so assumptions can be made that the man was going to rob the house while the owner's were out on vacation... and he got stuck in the chimney, and due to the nearby factory noise, no one ever heard his cries for help through the brick. He starved to death in a chimney.


Creepy, eh? :D

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Originally posted by Artoo

He apparently dissapeared from the town records, so assumptions can be made that the man was going to rob the house while the owner's were out on vacation... and he got stuck in the chimney, and due to the nearby factory noise, no one ever heard his cries for help through the brick. He starved to death in a chimney.


Creepy, eh? :D


dang...sounds like one of Poe's stories...he had several involving dead bodies and chimnies or bodies behind brick. That would freak me out tho...a dead body sitting in my chimney...yeesh. O_o

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Originally posted by Artoo

Awwww, beat me to it, I love that quote. Anyways, that isn't the first report.


A woman in one of those tiny insignificant northeasterly states thought she smelled something weird in the chimney one day, so she called the chimney cleaner to clean it out, and the results were slightly disturbing to say the least. Well she found a corpse that was DNA tested and revealed to be a man who was a burglar back when the house was first built. He apparently dissapeared from the town records, so assumptions can be made that the man was going to rob the house while the owner's were out on vacation... and he got stuck in the chimney, and due to the nearby factory noise, no one ever heard his cries for help through the brick. He starved to death in a chimney.


Creepy, eh? :D


That happens to squriels all the time...:(

AND ALWAYS IN MY CHIMMENY! Everyone say eeewww...:D

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Originally posted by darthfergie

dang...sounds like one of Poe's stories...he had several involving dead bodies and chimnies or bodies behind brick. That would freak me out tho...a dead body sitting in my chimney...yeesh. O_o


My thoughts exactly... that was creepy.


Anyway, as for the first story.... no comments. :p

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