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I have found the Holy Grail!

Darth Groovy

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Back when I was little, my first ever video game was the Intellivision game system. Now I was looking up info to try to explain these games to some youngsters in #echonet, then I stumbled upon this gem. I had almost everyone of these games, sure some of them sucked, and some of them I would play for hours on end. Check out the specks on each game. Come payday, I think I am gonna send off for this game. Let the good times roll!






Oh yeah, and if you wear a t-shirt that looks like this:




You most likely will not attract members of the opposite sex! :p

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I never had an Intellivision (or even touched one) but that is definately cool. They should do that for ALL the dead classic console systems (sorry to call them dead, I mean "no longer commercially sold in their original hardware form).


I got into consoles somewhat late... when I started saving for a NES (which I never bought, got a Genesis instead), the Atari 7800 and SMS were on the way out...


Still, I had a ton of fun with my roommate's Colecovision w/ Atari 2600 expansion port (he got it off ebay) in college. ; )


Back in the days when nobody cared about graphics, and only about addictive gameplay!


Good stuff!

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Originally posted by Kurgan

(sorry to call them dead, I mean "no longer commercially sold in their original hardware form).


you mean discontinued, *sniff* A sad word in the world of video gaming :eyes3:


btw, hey kurg!:D Strange seein you around these parts.

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i had an Intelevision, that was long before my computer days. i had like 11 games or something. one of my fav's was the ship game where you try to sail into your oppent's habour. ya I thought the game interface thing was cool, cause you just slipped plastic templates on and off to control each game.

good luck getting iy Groovster, it is a wonderous piece of gaming history

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Originally posted by BCanr2d2

Don't know if the change to law has happened here in Australia, but hasn't the US' DMCA just recently changed to allow people to have copies of those programs of such things as Atari cartridge games, etc???


Since Mattell Electronics and The Intellivision system no longer exist, I seriously doubt it. Haven't you heard of Midway's Arcade's Greatest Hits? This is not necessarily knew, I just never knew the Intellivision games were available on any platform, so this is why I say I found the Holy Grail.

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