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Slave 1 in Rogue Squadron 1


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Originally posted by Jared



ah well, guess ....anyone...could have fallen for that....I mean...uh.....I dunno.....


*looks around nervously*


No offence man, but I can't help to disagree with your methods of treating new people here.


Sure, you've been here longer. Sure he might have been rude. But I think you could have shown that people here, even though we're crazy, we have at least enough sense not to be rube to newcomers.

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Originally posted by Nute Gunray

I want to stab him for using italics all the damned time.


huh?........ I like writing in italics....with lots of..........dot dot dot....cause it makes it sound more like me talking when you read it.....but, by all means, stab away:D




Originally posted by Scar Da Kookee

No offence man, but I can't help to disagree with your methods of treating new people here.


Sure, you've been here longer. Sure he might have been rude. But I think you could have shown that people here, even though we're crazy, we have at least enough sense not to be rude to newcomers.


alright....alright...alright....sorry I was rude D.....you just remind me of this dude I used to know, he made up every other sentance and it drove me to insanity.....ehh.....so my bad.




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Hey, Dark Sad Shadow!!! Jared? Wander if this is TK-421 ;) Thanks, everything is relatively ;) all-right here.


SlaveI rumors are quite old as the game itself :( the source of it is in language versions translation file (Keiran remember, Rogue15 should know) In "Death Star" mission objective they wrote "Eliminate SlaveI" though this string is not used. Searching the data file proved that there is no additional craft except KOELSH Buick.


There was a rumor about Shuttle too with snaps from the game. But it as proven to be false. Rogue15 remember, he even found the way: go to some mission with Shuttle (KileII) follow the Shuttle and turn off cockpit. You will get flying Shuttle with laser aim marks, looks like you are flying Shuttle.


I remember first time I posted about RoguEdit, the first response was unexpectedly bad. So be good :D That's all for now... The Force is with you... always...

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Originally posted by InitialD

I feel pretty stupid after all my post. He told me he used Flash and Photoshop to make things looks real, he used the SLave 1 from cutting of another game then he pasted onto his regular Rogue Squadron mission and added sound effects and movements to it with Macromedia Flash.


Im kinda pissed right about now....


You get extra points for admitting you were wrong, human. :D Very good form, indeed.


However, next time you might not argue with us so strenuously. ;) Remember that posting in caps is considered shouting on bulletin boards...and we're talking about a video game, not something that should inspire that kind of anger. No harm done, though...


Also, remember that we're the freakin' experts. :max: Who's your daddy?




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Originally posted by LukA_YJK

Hey, Dark Sad Shadow!!! Jared? Wander if this is TK-421 ;) Thanks, everything is relatively ;) all-right here.


SlaveI rumors are quite old as the game itself :( the source of it is in language versions translation file (Keiran remember, Rogue15 should know) In "Death Star" mission objective they wrote "Eliminate SlaveI" though this string is not used. Searching the data file proved that there is no additional craft except KOELSH Buick.


There was a rumor about Shuttle too with snaps from the game. But it as proven to be false. Rogue15 remember, he even found the way: go to some mission with Shuttle (KileII) follow the Shuttle and turn off cockpit. You will get flying Shuttle with laser aim marks, looks like you are flying Shuttle.


I remember first time I posted about RoguEdit, the first response was unexpectedly bad. So be good :D That's all for now... The Force is with you... always...



*bows to luka


The almighty lukas has spoken!!


long live luka XD :D

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I just don't see why us misfits don't try and redo the game with the same graphics engine and just give it new maps and objectives, or our pleasure :)


IE: Fix the trench run mission :p


I vote RFH for model making (he's doing this Sub Command sim deal, and he emails me pic of these ships he's made every now and then)

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Originally posted by Scar Da Kookee

I just don't see why us misfits don't try and redo the game with the same graphics engine and just give it new maps and objectives, or our pleasure :)


IE: Fix the trench run mission :p


I vote RFH for model making (he's doing this Sub Command sim deal, and he emails me pic of these ships he's made every now and then)

I second the vote.

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I wonder how italic writers write italic if the write normally italics. is it right that italic writers write italics ITALICS?


i guess writing in italics or not is like using anime or "normal" smilies.


or just the wish to get bashed.






oh and.. did i mention i never played RS.. err.. or any other SW game?


*would run but dont know how to do so in SW games*

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Originally posted by RayJones

oh and.. did i mention i never played RS.. err.. or any other SW game?


*would run but dont know how to do so in SW games*


Gah! :max: Quick, help me tie him to the nose of my A-wing so I can give him a proper taste of the Rogue Squadron experience...!




Skoocarkie: Methinks he was wondering what you use for italics when you write in italics all the time. :dozey: Not to worry--riding in the gungan's seat will put the fear into him.

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yes. but how do in-italic-writers write "italic stuff" in italics if you write the "normal stuff" in italics?


in other words..


what for normal-writers is writing in italics is for the in-italics-writer [insert answer here]


my question is what would be your inserted answer there..?


and if you dont write all in italics then.. why dont we dont change places. i mean.. it's pretty comfortable .. here on zooms a-wing .. :)




we could talk about that spanking thing. just make sure to bring enough girls.. i can dotake a lot.. ;)



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