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Stupid College Kids!


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Arr! I hate alarm clocks! Earlier this morning I hear one going off at 3 a.m. What the heck?


And the dumb girl in the next room always has hers go off incredibly early, and does not initially bother to cut it off until it's been beeping for at least a minute, and then the dumb wench pushes the snooze button at least ten consecutive times before cutting it off! This happens practically every day (well, you see, I often stay up too late on weekdays, and every time I'm awake at 5:20 a.m. this happens, so I'm assuming that since it happens every single time when I'm awake it happens all others days, too). Why not just set the alarm clock an hour later?


Most dorm people are so annoying. And I won't even get into the toilet situation with our suitemate...

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Why not just set the alarm clock an hour later?




It's not when you wake up, it's how long you get to procrastinate before you actually stand up into the cold cruel world. I'd know. I attend a High School that practically is a college. So if they set their alarm clock for noon, they'd still wait until 1 to get out of bed.

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Originally posted by Ernil

It's not when you wake up, it's how long you get to procrastinate before you actually stand up into the cold cruel world. I'd know. I attend a High School that practically is a college. So if they set their alarm clock for noon, they'd still wait until 1 to get out of bed.


That is so true. i have three alarm's, My radio clock on my bedside table set at 5:00, my watch, set at 5:30 and my phone set at 5:40. (I also hit the snooze button on my clock all the time). I never ever get up before 6:00 and most days it's about 6:20 (although i woke up at 7 today which was annoying because that only gave me an hour and a half to have my half hour shower, brush my teeth, get dressed, do my hair, watch TV and then muster up enough energy to make breakfast. Then, I go for my 8 and a half hour shift at work (cute girls work there, so I can't complain much about that), come home and watch the simpsons.


One and a half hours in the morning isn't long enough. Especially on the weekday when I have to leave the house at 7:50 just to walk to the bus station (abuot a mile away) and catch the bus for my forty minute ride to work. How annoying.

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I'm guilty of the 3 AM thing...:D


I normally get up on weekdays at 4:45...yes, AM, believe it or not...


...but on weekENDS and holidays, I always forget to turn off the alarm. I ignore it as long as possible, but its designed to get louder as time goes on.


What will happen will be my mother banging on my wall after five minutes and my dogs barking at the alarm.



Recently, however, I've been good.:);)

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Whenever I go to bed at night, you're awake. You have yet to go to bed.



Whenever I wake up in the morning, you're awake already. You've already gone to bed and woken up.















You are un-human.

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Originally posted by Alien426

I get up at around 5:20 AM and I'm outta the house at 5:40-ish.


Oh, I could do the 20 minute thing, I just don't choose to. If I had to leave the house by 5:40, I'd set my alarm for 3 and get up at 4.

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I must be some kind of a freak, since I don't actually need an alarm clock. I always wake up at about 6:30 COMPLETELY ON MY OWN. That leaves me enough time to get dressed, eat, brush my teeth, make my bed, read the morning paper, etc. Finally at about 7:30 I get out and start to walk to the bus stop.

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1 minute to sleep? eeh bah gumm! LUXURY!! you don't know how lucky you are! youth o' today!

in my day we got up at 10pm went down mine, working for 3 pence a year, scrapping up coal with teeth 'till 9.30pm and all we had to eat was a handful of warm gravel... then clean the house, well, when I say "house", it was just a hole in the ground, covered by a sheet of tarpaulin, but it was a house to us! bed at 9.59.pm if we were were lucky! Oh, ay!


(inspired from the classic monthy python sketch "in my day")



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Originally posted by Branik

I must be some kind of a freak, since I don't actually need an alarm clock. I always wake up at about 6:30 COMPLETELY ON MY OWN. That leaves me enough time to get dressed, eat, brush my teeth, make my bed, read the morning paper, etc. Finally at about 7:30 I get out and start to walk to the bus stop.


We all have internal alarm clocks, mines usually a lifesaver because it wakes me up at 7:00 which is an hour later than i usually would, but it still gives me an hour to sort myself out. Of course, theer was once that time when I woke up really late. this was bad because I woke up with half an hour to get to work in (I woke up when I would usually be leaving the house). Or at least what I thought was half an hour, it actually turned out to be -30 minutes as it was bloody daylight savings and the clocks went forward! Bloody hell.

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Originally posted by RayJones

the indians used a tactic to get early out of bed to not to oversleep the attack .. they drank much water so that they needed to get out of bed early because their bladder was up to explode.


Heh, I do it too sometimes, when waking up early is vital. Works everytime.

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Originally posted by RayJones

the indians used a tactic to get early out of bed to not to oversleep the attack .. they drank much water so that they needed to get out of bed early because their bladder was up to explode.


Yet another thing the simpsons have taught us.


I usually have to go anyway in the morning, but I have amazing bladder control (like the kind where an entire day is nothing to me)

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