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well now that the cogs only has a FORCE ffa server and no non-force ffa server i cant enjoy sabre fighting with all the lightning and grip going on, so i tryed the duel server, i didnt think id like it since i'd be waiting lots, but i found it to be enjoyable, i did heaps good and it almost felt movie like in some ways, so if ya tired of ffa "spamming" then give duel a go and make sure that there is less than 10 ppl otherwise u gotta wait heaps.

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Yeah, I like Duel myself. No one seems to whine or bellyache that much, since everyone has a chance to beat the opponent. You might get some verbal sparring and taunts at those dueling, but that happens at real life sports games.


I'm a fencer, and playing Duel on JA is very similar to fencing bouts in some respects. You can't just charge ahead jabbing away or your opponent will rack up the points against you. You have to think as well as fight. In fact, I consider JA Duel as good practice for creating and changing strategies on the go, an essential part of fencing. I've also carried some of my fencing tactics over to JA, such as carefully watching what people do when I'm not up to try to find any weaknesses in their fighting style that I can exploit.

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Well solution definately wasn't the right word to use but meh, I find duelling to be much more enjoyable and strategetic than ffa by far *IMO*. If you get good enough then you don't have to wait in line, you've earned your rule of the server, of course if a superior player comes in - You follow him and suss him out without even playing while learning useful strategies for later use.


I actually do Karate and i find some of the strategies used in jka duelling also work really well in competition/sparring. Also, I really don't get what you people go on about, I always go on a server with less than 5 people, VERY RARELY do i ever go on 4, 3 peopel does me fine :D. Just look down the damn list and double click on a server that isn't bursting at the seams (no-way i'd ever go on one with 9 unless i knew someone or had a really good reason to)

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kick being disabled sucks.

In your opinion it does, not everybody else's I'm quite sure.


well maybe you should FFA with awsome people ... dueling 1 person at time require a certain skill,but fightning plenty of descent player is something else

Why should he have to play with "awesome" people at ffa to have a good time when he can have a good time duelling..... Also, are you trying to suggest that ffa requires more skill than duelling? :rolleyes:

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No kick in duel is way the hell better IMO. Duels are about the sabers, not some lamer tryin to run along side someone to kick him down constantly, its as bas as running backwards just to try to get a back slash off.


Personally, i found the Power Duel to be a more rewarding experience though, the wait times seemed less, and it was cool to be fightin with a partner, or to have more then one enemy to focus on.

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The only problem with Power Duel I've experienced is that sometimes your partner chickens out and lets you do all the dirty work fighting the single opponent. After whittling the opponent's health down, you die and the other guy swoops in and takes all the credit for killing him! What's worse, I have to go to the bottom of the line, while he's still playing!:mad:


Fortunately, such instances are rare. Sometimes I'll go after my partner for failing to back me up.:p

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Honestly I've been neglecting Duel fans on my server for quite some time.


The only dueling action you'll get in the MeatGrinder is the occasional saber challenge.


But then maybe it has something to do with people always complaining ever time I host a Duel. It's either not enough people or too much lag. ; p


Just not enough action for my taste, but maybe as I get better I'll appreciate it more?

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i dunno, i guess as a server admin, you gotta deal with all the bs that people spout too. Maybe just go find a decent duel server thats not your own and bust that out if you want some good dueling action. But once again, i find powerduel to be better cause theres more people playin in a round at once, there seems to be less time inbetween games and it adds a alittle more strategy IMHO.


And whattt i think a lamer is is someone who runs off to some weird corner of the map that no one can get too so it hold up the server (somepeople are veerrryyyy good at this) or someone who sits back and watches their partner die in a power duel.

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Originally posted by Kurgan

Honestly I've been neglecting Duel fans on my server for quite some time.


The only dueling action you'll get in the MeatGrinder is the occasional saber challenge.


But then maybe it has something to do with people always complaining ever time I host a Duel. It's either not enough people or too much lag. ; p


Just not enough action for my taste, but maybe as I get better I'll appreciate it more?


The thing is when you're in a duel setting, ping/latency matters. Unlike FFA where it is a asskicking fest and you can anticipate on the fly, die, respawn, and get back in the game, duel incoporates long lines, and not being able to land that shot because your ping was approx 250 doesn't help.


That and last time we tried duel on your server, there was that annoying lock up... Did you ever get that worked out?

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Originally posted by Neverhoodian

The only problem with Power Duel I've experienced is that sometimes your partner chickens out and lets you do all the dirty work fighting the single opponent. After whittling the opponent's health down, you die and the other guy swoops in and takes all the credit for killing him! What's worse, I have to go to the bottom of the line, while he's still playing!:mad:


Fortunately, such instances are rare. Sometimes I'll go after my partner for failing to back me up.:p


That is true, but do not forget if FF is on...

Once, I was Single, and there were 2 guys after me in PD. They were all scrambling and slashing to get me, and in the end, one killed the other with a poorly placed butterfly, without a single scratch to me. Therefore, I had 150 HP, while the other had taken damage from all the slashing. Lol. It was hilarious.

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