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New Avril Lavigne Quote/WTF of the Week

Boba Rhett

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Well, I originally read the interview in another magazine, but she said this to Rolling Stone and I trust them enough not to not lie completely:

Originally posted by Avril Lavigne

I'm not going to call myself punk, because punks aren't on MTV. But normally I would say I was this little punk messing around, getting myself in trouble. But I can't say that, because I'm not punk.

If she's changed tack since then, then of course she's talking crap - unless she's going to go proper punk for her next album.

But your comment about Good Charlotte is a very valid one.


To be honest, I'm not too bothered what she considers herself - I know what I consider her to be ( :naughty: ) and - as I said - I love Let Go for what I think it is: a fantastic album.



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A most unfortunate quote.


I bought one of the 6 million copies of Let Go that have been sold so far, and I love it. The songwriting is very catchy and full of hooks, because the best songs were mostly written by some pros (a trio of songwriters called The Matrix).


From the interviews I have read, she does not consider herself to be "punk" in a Sex Pistols kind of way.

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Originally posted by Mamba

Pink is more punk then Avril Though so i have respect for her.

Isnt punk, means isnt punk, and pink isnt punk


Originally posted by Mike Windu

acrylic i'm serious i like good charlotte! lol i think they are pretty good

GS is good, and talented. Beside the fact that they made millions off being hypocrits... Lets consider this, They'r most popular song is "lifestyles of the rich and famous" and basicly, they cap on rich and famous people and say they are all week and we should rob them... Now they are one of the most famous mainstream/"punk" bands around and they are rich like crazy... mmm, something wrong with that picture.

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God I hate her. Especially since I was forced to listen to her for like three days straight. We were making our finals in my tv class (music videos) and one group picked Sk8ter Boi as their song.


Sk8ter Boi.




Anyway, to compare and contrast her with the other bands/singers she listed, here is a short list:


Madonna - Much better than her.


The Beatles - A plane of a bajillion death roaches > Her


The Rolling Stones - Lets just say that their stones are gunna be rollin on her. Tee hee.


Madonna - She said it twice, didn't she?



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Originally posted by Kain

Punk is dead. Punk died along time ago. Punk died alongside Grunge...and we all know when Grunge died. Damn you Courtney Love! DAMN YOU!!!

WTF, do you live in a hole? cave? are you rich to the point that you stay inside all the time?
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Originally posted by ZDawg

WTF, do you live in a hole? cave? are you rich to the point that you stay inside all the time?


Don't wtf me, wtf are you talkin about? True Punk has been dead for more than a decade, probably longer than that. And don't say Grunge isn't dead cuz I will...not do anything, but Grunge and Punk are still dead.

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Originally posted by Darth Groovy

PS, I refuse to listen to anyone who has an avatar of a dictator with a really bad mustache! :mad:


Groovy, you must have taken a HUGE shine to me since that Christmas thread, eh? Haha, stickin it to the man.


And anyways, my point in all of my above posts is that Avril isn't punk, Good Charollete isn't punk, as a matter of fact, nothing in recent years that people put into the punk catagory is true punk. Its all about as punk as N'Sync is rap. Its more along the lines of alternative pop-rock.

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And the point to MY post, is that all music is inspired/based/copied and elaborated on by something earlier. The Beatles were ifluenced by Elvis, David Bowie, was influenced by Bob Dylan, Trent Reznor was ifluenced by Bowie, Joy Division was influenced by The Sex Pistols, even Elvis himself was influenced by the blues. All forms of rock, and pop are combinations of other forms of music. It is the way it has been, and the way it always will be. And at my age, listening to people argue about what is punk, and what is not, is so tired, it's not even worth listening too anymore. I could give a crap less how many beer bottles Sid Viscious broke over his forehead, if he can't play a bass guitar to save his life. Get over it.

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Originally posted by Darth Groovy

And the point to MY post, is that all music is inspired/based/copied and elaborated on by something earlier. The Beatles were ifluenced by Elvis, David Bowie, was influenced by Bob Dylan, Trent Reznor was ifluenced by Bowie, Joy Division was influenced by The Sex Pistols, even Elvis himself was influenced by the blues. All forms of rock, and pop are combinations of other forms of music. It is the way it has been, and the way it always will be. And at my age, listening to people argue about what is punk, and what is not, is so tired, it's not even worth listening too anymore. I could give a crap less how many beer bottles Sid Viscious broke over his forehead, if he can't play a bass guitar to save his life. Get over it.


Yea, thats the idea. According to one generation, pure rock was this and its dead. Another generation says pure rock is this and its dead. MY generation says that Punk is long dead, but people of a naive stature (I.e: People who listen to pop IMO) say that Avril is punk, say that G.C. is pop, ect, ect. Its all in the eye of the beholder.

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Originally posted by Kain

Don't wtf me, wtf are you talkin about? True Punk has been dead for more than a decade, probably longer than that. And don't say Grunge isn't dead cuz I will...not do anything, but Grunge and Punk are still dead.

Punk isnt dead my friend, you are wrong.

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Originally posted by ZDawg

I havnt seen any examples of why its dead?


Have you been reading my posts? Punk, as in the music made for hyper-rebels and tech-junkies, has died. Just look at what mainstream 'Punk' is now a days. The day I found out that Bowling For Soup was considered Punk, I knew that it was dead.

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