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Star Wars Battlefront Wishlist

Elite Jedi

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I know exactly what I want. Ever since I played Battlefront, I knew a SW version needed to come, and sure enough its on its way. My dream is that just as in BF1942 there are battleships, in SWBG there will be capital ships. Imagine using orbital bombardment instead of artillery. Launching from a Star Destroyer instead of an aircraft carrier. They would simply have to design them in such a way as to make them a uniform altitude, but allow them movement along that plane parallel to the surface. And make that altitude accessible by fighters/dropships/shuttles. The more you think about it, the more it becomes a necessity to be true to SW. Where else would imperials deploy from? How else would Trade Federation armies attack?

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Hmm. I wonder if u would be able to get in a star destroyer and uses its guns to bombard the planet. Like for example in battlefield 1942 when u die u go do your cheakpoint and in some cases u have to spawn from a ship and go bak to shore. What if by using a shuttle u had to go down to the planets surface? That would be fun.

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1. The replay value of say, Counter Strike or Day of Defeat. ;)


2. Anti-Halo smoothness. If this game runs like Halo, I am returning it.


3. Vehicles cool like Halo.


4. The basic strategies of Battlefield: 1942, with much much much more added content.


5. A good in-game server browser thingy in which you can easily check the server's ping, map, and who is in the server (kind've like steam)


6. Buildable structures at control points. Such as bunkers where a player could get ammo or health and "clone" since spawn is incorrect for Star Wars, and say the imperial officer could place the building. Another idea would be a sniper tower.


7. Maybe it would be cool if vehicles didn't spawn either. Players would have to buy them with credits, and you'd get credits every time you get a kill, or capture a control point. That'd be some hard balancing though.


8. Also buying weapons too? Since you devs have Star Wars to work with and all the previous guns you've seen in the movies and games, maybe you could give each class the chance to buy one of many guns for their class, each with their own balancing of: recoil, damage, ammo, range. Like, you could add the weapons in from Star Wars Galaxies, Jedi Academy, Jedi Knight, ect.


Say for instance I'm a scout trooper, when I clone and want to buy my weapons, I have a choice of buying a nice little scout blaster, with low recoil, low damage, and 20 shots to the clip. I could also buy say a FWG pistol seen in SWG. That pistol is more expensive, and has higher recoil, higher damage, and only 8 shots to the clip. Also I have the choice of buying a nice Laser Sniper rifle, Semi Automatic Laser Sniper Rifle, each with different attributes.


My 2 cents on what would be cool.

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this is now a must for me after what i just experience playing jedi academy. i want to be able to register my name so that only i can use it while playing multiplayer. i just came from playing on a ja server where i was having fun for about 5 min. until a person came in impersonating me, stupid me i thought wow someone else has my sn too. then i had a great ten minutes of trying to figure out people accussing me of being an imposter and being killed until i left cuz i was tired of it. so i say there should be registration of name that we log in all the time with that needs a password. i'm guessing this may happen cuz of the possibility of stat tracking. just had to get that off my chest.

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i want to have jedis as a class!

and id like to be able to choose my LS-style on my own, not as in JA:siege-mode that one has to have f.e. a double-blade... that sucked rather hard since i cant handle this style...


as LucasArts announced, SW:B will be mainly like BF1942, and it would be very close to the movies, but id like to have some free missions that are not seen in the movies so for free gaming and the feeling of an living universe not just stuck o the movies. furthermore, there are some books id like to have some battles from... f.e. from the han-solo-trilogy the battle of ylesia?


one more... id like to be able to choose male or female models... as in JA:siege, if you choose f.e. rebel:technican on hoth (i dont know exactly anymore), you are a women. and if you choose weaon specialist, you are a male (wookie). id better like to have a "common skin" as for example the technican wears black trousers and a leather jacket, but can be female as well as male.


also, id like all classes to be able to pick up any dropped weapons, alhough they might not be able to use them as efficient as if they were familiar with them... f.e. a scout picks up a rocket launcher from a dead weapon-specialist, but the crosshair becomes bigger and is a bit swaying...



id also like to have the class of an "controller" like leia controlled the attack on first death star...


and id like to have the lasers being way faster than in JA. even @ a distance of 20m it is almost impossible to hit an enemy cuz the lasers are way too slow...


and it might be a good idea to have a modus where three parties battle each other like in "shadows of the empire" (book) the rebels fight the imperials and the black sun, the black sun fights the imperials and the rebels, and the imperials fight the rebels and the black sun. though this might result that to parties join in fighting the third one and then wage war on each other so it might get complicated to keep this balanced... just an idea.


also, id like to have it somewhat realistic so that if you jump around all the time your crosshair will be shivering like hell... (cuz its realistic and cuz i just dont know if i should laugh or cry when i see all these ppl dodge-jumping around all the time... takes some atmorsphere if Imperial Officer of 2nd grade, Iron-Blade and Iron-Fist decorated Mr. Sir Idontknow jumps across the map...)


... AND id like to have a vibroknife or some weapon that cant run out of ammo.


and id like the weapons to be able to run out of magazine ammo so they must be reloaded - that was disturbing me in the JK-series. in the films, you almost could bet that in a critical situation, the balsters ammo was low. in the JK-series, you dont even need to reload...

i think about 60 shots for a normal e11-clip should do... and 300 shots (thus 5 clips) carried are also enough until killed...


thats all for now. expect more to come! :D

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I am more concerned about things like what locations, planets, vehicles, starships, etc are in it instead of graphics. I know some of these are already officially confirmed but I would still like to list all my wishlist items:



X-wings, Y-wings, A-wings, Snowspeeder, B-wings, Imperial Lamda Class Shuttle, Tie Fighters, Tie Interceptors, Republic Gunship


Vehicles: AT-ST Walker, AT-AT Walker, AT-TE Walker, Imperial Speeder Bike, Imperial Probe Droid, Tautaun, STAP, Trade Federation Tank


Locations: Yavin 4 base, Eco Base, Shield Generator, Death Star I and Death Star II, Mos Eisley and Mos Eisley Cantina


Planets: Tatoonie, Hoth, Yavin 4, Endor, Geonosis, Kamino, Naboo, Courscant, Bespin, Alderran, and Dagobah

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Wishlist of creatures and droidsto be seen and/or used in Battlefront:


Creatures: Tusken Raiders, Jawas, Wookies, Geonosian warriors, ewoks, Krayt dragons, dewbacks, rontos, banthas, nerfs


Droids: R2 units, Protocol Droids, Medical Droids, Imperial Probe Droids


I think it is important to have good enironments that are crisp and clear but still like star wars and authentic. Having droids and creatures add alot to the game.

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Yes I surfaced in time for the next PS2 star wars game. I have been waiting over a year for a new ps2 star wars game. This sounds cool. I would like to see interactive creatures, species, droids, etc. I think I mention a little in past posts. I wonder if Lucasarts would try to put both Mos Espa, Mos Eisley Cantina, Sarlac pit, Lars Moisture Farm, Ben's Homestead, and Mos Eisley Cantina in the Tatoonie map. That would be added bonus plus an Tusken Raider camp and a Jawa camp.

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Originally posted by jasperw



It's much more fun playing when you dont always see the enemie (hiding behind a tree on endor :) ). Besides, the game's tactical facet will be bigger.


disagree. i want a radar, but like in CS that you can only see your teammates. i think thats fair enough.



i wanna have a weapon that can give me sort of a "rampage"-feeling like in CS the ak47 or the para. i fear being beaten for this, but id say none blaster can give me that feeling better than a common projectile weapon. so it would be nice to have the repeater somewhat modified.

the "rampage"-feeling comes with, i suppose, a dark, deep machine-gun staccato-sound, nice animations of just pure brute power (not as exaggerated a in JA where the repeater is just like a blur...), and the knowledge that this special weapon is officially (in the SW universum) disliked and said to be a terrorists weapon. :uzi2::fire3::evil2:

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i want a radar like the one in black hawk down. its a section of the map which shows any friendlies in the area and has a line that is connected to your icon that leads you to an objective. also i want a map key that will show you a map of the area with all friendly units identified on it.

although i know this probably won't happen, i kinda want a large amount of aircraft in the air battling. i mean extra fighters in the sky and lots of explosions so when you look up you see a air battle going on. i think this would be fun to add to the atmosphere. this would be a nice feature on maps that don't have any aircraft in it.

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