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Ideas for Kotor 2

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I think that Kotor is one of the best games I have ever played. If they make a Kotor 2, which I heard they are. I think there are some things they could do to it making it one of the best games ever. They will be things that could be new to the game or it could help improve things from Kotor.


First, it should be longer. I know some people said it took them 40 hours plus, but I have gone through the game a couple of time and the longest it has taken me is about 30 hours and that was only once. Usually it took 20 to 24 hours. I read that other people got through the game around the same times that I did. I mean the longer the better even if it has to be on multiple discs. I think it would be great to have Kotor 2 at least twice as long.


Second, bigger and more levels. In Kotor they have 7 worlds but they are small. You can only run for a little bit before you are stopped. If they use multiple disc's they could make bigger worlds and add more levels. They could even add secret areas (by talking to certain people you could get them or any way it does not matter). It will make the game keep on going.


Third, bosses. There should be more bosses. In Kotor were only a few and Malak was really only the hard one, but he wasn't even that hard. That will bring me to my 4th but not right now. There should be different levels of bosses. 1 or 2 main bosses, 4-6 primary bosses, 7-9 secondary, etc. the farther down you go the less important they are, but the most important one's to at least have would be the main(s) (of course), the primary(s) and the secondary(s). Any were from 10-14 great bosses not good but great should do.


Forth, make the game harder. I went through the whole level of taris on level 2 on difficult and it wasn't really a problem. That does not really mean much, but It should have some challenge for me being at that low of a level. It needs to be harder. I never put the game on easy and I only played it on medium once when I first started, since then only on difficult. Make Kotor 2 so that you actually have to use some of your brain to figure out techniques and way to beat enemies.


5th, more weapons and upgrades. There should be more weapon like blaster, swords, etc. They should put more special weapon like Fett's weapon that were in Kotor. Just how you killed a boss in Kotor and you got something there should be more in Kotor 2. For example let's say you fight a Dark Jedi boss and you defeat him when you pick up the items from him you should get his lightsaber. I don't mean just any lightsaber he should have a custom one. One that maybe has a place to put an extra crystal, has a better attack, better defense or what ever. This is an example of how they could add more lightsabers and ranged weapon to the game. I really like the idea of getting special weapon. Add special lightsaber that you can get from enemies and good Jedi. By talking to them or killing them, but it should sometimes depend on which path you take, which will decide only on certain lightsabers not all. Add more up grade. More crystals, range weapon modifiers, etc. This will only keep you going and keep you excited.


6th, armor. Basically the same as the 5th but with armor.


7th, more level ups. It kind of sucks when you finish all your level ups and you still have to go through a good amount of the game. You lose a little bit of excitement. Once you get so high though they should cut back on the amount of feat, force powers, etc. that you get. You should be able to master them though. I mean you should start off as a padawan and the more you go through the game you should be able to move up the ranks. Padawan-Jedi-Jedi Knight-Jedi Master, maybe Lord but that is pushing it. They should make it where you have to do things to gain extra point, feats or power. For example lets say you are trying to become a Jedi and you have to go through tests. The better you do at them the better you start off as a Jedi. So if you do the better Jedi you will be compared to doing bad. They should grade you (but not tell you) and the better you do the more force powers you start off with or you can master the powers faster or let say you past the test perfectly (which would be hard) you get something special. Make you work to get extra things.


These are only a few things that I have thought of. I'm sure I will come up with more. There are so many things they could do to this Star Wars game if the makers only thought about them.


Please reply to this, I would like to hear some ideas. Sorry for it being so long too.


Hey, mabey someone who will work on these games will read this and use some ideas that people come up with, since you can't e-mail them direct.

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Well, yeah, I agree with you on some points. However, I don't think they should make this game too complicated.


You see, this game is meant to be fun to both RPG-fans AND starwars-fans! I'm one of the latter and KotOR made me play other RPGs, for example: Morrowing. That game is waaay too big, with way to many options, upgrades, skills, stats etc etc. Travelling from one city to another takes hours :rolleyes:


That's something I wouldn't like in KotOR2. Instead of adding bigger planets, lets add MORE planets, to keep things 'simple'. More chrystals would be 'fun', but could make things more complicated.

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That is a good idea. I mean the levels don't have to be bigger but more worlds would do. The only question how many and which ones?


Also I don't think by add more items, weapon, etc. to Kotot2 will make it confusing. It will only make it more exciting. Well that’s how I feel. Like I said before during the level up on how you lose a little excitement when you are done leveling up and you still have to go through a good portion of the game, same with items, weapon, etc. I always like to know what armor getting next to build my character or weapon or crystal is coming that I can use. Last I think that people won't confused, because most of the would have played the original, so they will have a good idea on how everything works, even if lots of new thing are introduced in Kotor 2.


Here is another idea that if forgot to post when I wrote my original ideas.


8th, characters or your team. More characters through the game would be great. You should gain and lose some characters while you go through the game. Kind of like in the beginning of Kotor when Trask (something like that) helps you out but then leaves. The only thing is that they would be with you for a longer time. Some could be with you through a quarter of the game and others only half the game. You get the idea. Eventually you will have your team set. One thing that goes with this is being able to pick which team mates you want. Hear are some examples, let’s say you are going to the dark side, maybe a light side teammate will come in and try to stop you. The first time just by talking or fighting just depends on how the maker wants it. If you keep going they will eventually interfere and try to stop you by fighting you or some like that? Example 2, same path. You come to a good Jedi and they can feel the dark side, they will try to help and if you don't let them and you still go to the dark side they will try to stop you. I hope you understand. Example 3, same path. Someone on your team is on the dark side; they will challenge you for power. You should kind of get the idea and it will go the same for the good side to. If you meet a dark Jedi and you don't want him on your team, because you are good he will fight you. Like I said hopefully you get the idea of how you will basically be able to create your team depending on which path you take and the decisions you chose. If you chose certain decisions you will be able to add that player to your team or not, but you don't always have to have bad people on your side if you are on the dark side. You will be able to add anyone, but they might just try to stop you though, same for the good side too. You just have to watch out. One more idea that goes with this is turning someone to the dark or light side on your team. You should be able to turn some of your teammates to the dark side (if they are good) if you are evil or to the light side (if they are dark side) if you are good. It won't always be easy though and sometime you won't be able to at all and that could cause a fight. This should not be ridiculous, because then there could be 100 characters. Keep it just to a minimal, maybe 5-8 not sure though.


If you are confused just tell me and I will try to explain it better, but it is kind of hard to do.


I read another post on a different Website that had some good ideas. They said you should be able to pick what you want your character to be, human, alien, etc. Also they said that you should also be able to pick different character to go through the game. You could be a Jedi, Bounty Hunter, etc. I think that would be a little hard to do, but maybe starting off with these option of choosing a character and then turning in to a Jedi would be good. I like the bounty hunter choice.


Please keep replying. I know I write too much.

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"So if you do the better Jedi you will be compared to doing bad"


I do not know what happened. It must have been a long night.


Well I was trying to say the better you do at the test the better your Jedi will be. Compared to you doing bad at the tests the worst your Jedi will be.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Great ideas there, but let me add one point i think would make the game better and that is to allow you to choose light or dark and depending on that be able to recruit your party members. Also to be able to start at the very beginning (Light or Dark) and not the last few levels like in kotor, that means on the chosen path you play certain levels or worlds and have it be more fluid than static...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Lemme see...






I mean, right now with the amazing KotOR Tool, all we need is the ability to edit terrain, and make new models. Thats it! Give us that and we'll be happy! GIVE US THE PLUGIN YOU INSANE CORPORATE EMPIRE!

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I agree there should be more planets! how about the same planets we had before plus:










we already found and destroyed the star forge. lets let our next relic we hunt be The Temple Of The Jedi! inside it holds the fountain of the jedi! anyone who drinks from its waters will gain force ability! it is where the first jedi learned about the ways of the force andthats where the order began!


the player should be more free to wander the planets more freely like GTA! plus the ability to purchase custom force powers like morrowind! (anyone played morrowind?)




time ravel is also a possibility!

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Originally posted by kipperthefrog

plus the ability to purchase custom force powers like morrowind! (anyone played morrowind?)


I dont like the idea of purchasing Force Powers, and to be honest it sounds lame. I mean, why would you want to buy them? I mean, then anyone could buy them and then suddenly normal soldiers and even civilians would have them. Whats that all about? Force Powers are for the Jedis and Dark Jedis only, and purchasing them wouldnt work. You have to learn them and so on. Besides purchasing stuff like that wouldnt fit into the SW universe. Also I played Morrowind, so I know what I'm talking about.


To expand on the Jedi system someone talked about. How does being assigned to your mentor sound? Just like in the movies. Hmm, so as you go on and learn the ways of the force, you should rise in ranks, and sooner or later you should be released from your mentor, or get your own Padawan. I dont know, this is just some sort of way to expand that idea.



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Originally posted by kipperthefrog

I agree there should be more planets! how about the same planets we had before plus:












yeah it would be good to see some of those planets, especially ones we haven't seen, like alderaan, corellia & kessel


time travel is also a possibility!


er... no



i think it should be set 1000 years before Ep I, during the Jedi Army of Light and the Sith Brotherhood of Darkness war

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i say set it 500 to 1000 years after the first KOTOR, cus i don't believe anything is written about those years, and lucasarts could come up with an equally free rpg. and expanding on what Siv said, make the "third" sequal around the Bane era. that'd be cool. right now,for kotor 2, i dont think a huge jump like that would leave room for another game beyond KOTOR 2. which i'd really like to see!:D

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In addin to part of Clemme's good idea (I know this may sound a bit to much like the PT Trilogy for that please forgiviness please)

I think it is a good idea to start out with a mentor i.e. Ob1+Anikin. However taking a page from Fable you start out as a child being tought the ways of the force by your mentor while at the same time you go on missions with him gaining expirience. At a certian point you are put through the trials and become a full Jedi, or the opposite you are trained by a Sith master and at a point in the game you challenge him and take his role.

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I think it should be a bit more open-ended. Take some ideas from Fable. Make scars last. Make your character more customizable. I think your party members with force powers that are the same as yours should be able to combine with your force powers to make like an uber death field for bosses. It would make it fun to hoe-out Calo Nord in like a second.

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Well, what I'd want is a "Knights of the New Republic" era <.<


I wanna be able to wear cloaks(with hood) and helmets. More planets, maybe something where we can buy different spaceships. More character creation options.


I'll probably think of more later..

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Originally posted by StarWarsPhreak

Well, what I'd want is a "Knights of the New Republic" era <.<


I wanna be able to wear cloaks(with hood) and helmets. More planets, maybe something where we can buy different spaceships. More character creation options.


I'll probably think of more later..


Me like :)


Definitely more planets...I felt really limited in KOTOR, as the only planets you were allowed to run off to were restricted in the Star Forge Quest (I mean, you can go to the Yavin IV Space Docking Station, but not the moon itself!? Comeon! Talk about laziness!)

If Taris was possible, I see no reason why with a bit of a touchup and some extra work, Coruscant could be added. Visit the Jedi Temple: see the High Council, watch other Jedi training, use Archives to help you own your main quest, etc.

Lower Levels of Coruscant: Fight off thugs, bla bla :p

There really are so many possibilities for this game, and KOTOR was a great product, so i'm looking forward to more greatness from Bioware!

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How about KOTOR2 being two seperate games? You install it and then import your character from how you finished KOTOR. If you finished dark side, then you can play through KOTOR2 as Lord Revan and try and defeat the Old Republic and if you finished light side you could fight a different threat (or more sith). There would have to be 2 alternate timelines following on from however you ended the first game.

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  • 2 weeks later...

how about a year. well sort of. KOTOR 2 is predicted to be realeased Feb. 2005 and will be set 5 years after KOTOR 1 and your character decides what happened in the first ending through diolog to other character ect. (of course you guys probably already knew this so...yeyyhhh! (sp) cant wait!)!:D i need to get that copy of EGM from my friend soon.

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