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SP SDK petition (I know, I know...)


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This is a petition to release the SP SDK (software development kit for single player) for JA. This would allow modders like the OJP team to be able to mod the SP game, something they are currently unable to do.


I am aware of the difficulty of getting Raven to do this, and more the difficulty of getting LA to do it. If we can get a large enough # of sig's, though, we might be able to get something done. If you're interested, just put your name in a post beneath this.



To whom it may concern at Raven and LucasArts Entertainment:

In the interest of promoting further expansion and enhancement of the Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy gaming experience, it is our request that you release the Software Development Kit for the Single Player aspect of Jedi Academy. Multiple modification groups throughout the Academy community would appreciate the opportunity to modify the Single Player game.

Moreover, since it is clearly not the intention of LucasArts entertainment to further modify the game with a further patch, the modding community would like the opportunity to present the players with further options of customization of the gaming experience. This would take the burden of responsiblity from the shoulders of those at LucasArts, which has since moved on to the development of new projects.

Many of the ideas expressed within the community would be able to be tried and modified without the need of official support, and this would allow the player to customize his or her gaming experience much as is possible within the multiplayer community. In the interest of spurring on the gaming community, we ask that you release the SP SDK, and thank you for your attention.



The Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy gaming community.


Any signatures would be greatly appreciated, and if any of the folks at Raven who have been such a support to the community would like to get involved, I'd certainly welcome that as well.

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I don't know about that.


Have the Single Player SDK's for any other Quake3 engine games ever been released?


If they have, then this should be no different.


The MP SDK's for Jedi Outcast and Jedi Academy are already out and have been for quite some time.


The trouble I think is really that LucasArts (under the control of LucasFilm) is afraid that if they release the SP SDK that people will run roughshod over the Star Wars universe with their scenarios (or something, it doesn't make much sense to me either, but those are the rules they expect Raven and others to uphold apparently).


Apparently MP is "safe" because everybody knows it's not part of the official Star Wars storyline and there's no chance that it could impede on the story or characters of some future Star Wars book or game. You can still make SP levels, you just can't change all the things you want to.


If you want to start a petition, don't rely on a forum thread, instead go get one of those petitionsonline.com petitions, they're more official looking, easier to manage and you'll get many more people to see it and respond to it.


That's my advice. LucasArts and Raven have stated many times it's not going to happen, but if you are going to start a petition, that's how you should do it. Nobody is going to pay attention to this thread (much as we wish they would).

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Good point, Kurgan.


The only reason I thought it was even possible (b/c I know where GothiX is coming from) is b/c razorace said he thought that Raven might have previously released the SP SDK for Elite Force after a really long time. So it was a thought off the top of my head.


I don't think anyone fully understands what LA is afraid of; after all, anything anyone does is still technically their property anyway, and it's not like it's going to change the continuity or something...


Anyway, can somebody tell me exactly what the site is for that kind of a petition, and then I'll just run this over into that with a link on my first post here?

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I have a feeling once doom 3 is out, an sdk will be released. Isn't that what happened when quake 2 was released? Two things...... wait or, i know this is illegal but maybe a friend of a friend knows someone, somewhere and can "covertly" acquire the the code needed and release it anonomously, not very smart but very brave indeed.

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The site is: http://www.petitiononline.com/petition.html


It has all the info on setting up the best kinds of online petitions.




Well, if somebody leaked the SP SDK, one of two things would happen (if it happened it wouldn't stay secret for long):


1) LA/Id would be forced to reconsider and release the official SP SDK to counteract the leaked one.




2) LA/Id would become VERY UPSET and send their crack teams of lawyers to put a heavy-handed stop to it and forever kill any chance of releasing the SP SDK officially.


So that's a pretty big risk, I wouldn't advise it.

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You guys do realize that before they would release the SP SDK, they would first have to release the SDK for Jedi Outcast, and seeing as how it took Quake2 SDK like 5-10 years to get it out, the chances are, it wont be released within a time frame where people are still playing Jedi Academy. Its a certainty.

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I heard somewhere that the devs for half life 2 are releasing the code upon the game's release. I guess they aren't afraid of losing money and the engine is light years ahead of q3's. It seems they are more in tune with their mod comunity. It'll be interesting to see what happens there and hopefully other companies see the advantages such as more people joining the community thus more players, more money, etc. and follow suit.

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Originally posted by Tyler_Durden

I heard somewhere that the devs for half life 2 are releasing the code upon the game's release.

If they do I will eat my shorts. I would say this is extremely unlikely.


Not to mention if I held any stock in that company I would sell it :)


Originally posted by Tyler_Durden

I guess they aren't afraid of losing money and the engine is light years ahead of q3's.

It doesn't really sound like something a company with a decent business model would do, does it? ;)


Originally posted by Tyler_Durden

It seems they are more in tune with their mod comunity. It'll be interesting to see what happens there and hopefully other companies see the advantages such as more people joining the community thus more players, more money, etc. and follow suit.

I suspect that they would see that any new mods that come about due to the source code being released generate magnitudes less in profits than owning and controlling the Half Life 2 engine would. Not only that, but it would also extend the life of the game, which isn't really in the company's best interest.


Are a few mods really going to increase the number of units sold by an appreciable amount? Maybe someone knows for sure, but I bet you would find that the vast majority of people buy games because they want to play those games, not because of potential mods. Mods are just a really nice perk.


I think hoping that all of a sudden companies are going to start releasing their assets for free is a pipe dream. :)

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Tyler, you are to comment stealing LA in LAforums?

Either you are verry stupid or....verry stupid =/


Neh ways, there is no way HL2 would release its sdk early like that. Think of all the bad that would happen (and how many people would try to make a new *sighs* Counter-Strike *prays it never happens*).



Now, I do belive that they should release the SP codes.


You know what would be better



A new JK game running on the HL engine....oooh thw sweetness! ooh the coolness, oooh Force throw could come back once more from its Jedi Knight and MotS ashes[/dreams]


Nehways, ima go play some more Armed and Dangerous...lmao..funniest game ever since The Curse of Monkey Island, rofl.


*slaps himself for going too off-topic*



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The trouble I think is really that LucasArts (under the control of LucasFilm) is afraid that if they release the SP SDK that people will run roughshod over the Star Wars universe with their scenarios (or something, it doesn't make much sense to me either, but those are the rules they expect Raven and others to uphold apparently).


I dont get it, you dont need the SDK to do that...

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Originally posted by Prime

I think hoping that all of a sudden companies are going to start releasing their assets for free is a pipe dream. :)


This is probably true.


But also, to make good SP levels (it seems) you don't need an SP SDK, with the ability to make maps, models (if you have the software) and cut scenes you have almost everything you need. Of course, use your imagination in the EU, but everyone who made an SP level wouldn't necessarily have "gone roughshod" over the SW universe.


Isn't the aim of level building to create a darned good level and have fun doing and playing it, to share that fun with others? Yes. Not necessarily to rewrite SW...

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Yeh I very much agree, you can alter an awful lot without the SDK. You'd need the SDK to try to produce say a completely modified combat system in SP or something like that, but beyond that you can do almost anything you would realistically want without. I think people also forget how difficult it is to code a working mod from the SDK (taking the MP one as an example). It's all in C right? Its no walk in the park and if there was an SP SDK avaliable to edit I know I would do no more than alter a few minor, easy things. If you think of how few stable, worthwhile and cohesive MP mods that really alter the game that there are, I think it gives an idea of how difficult editing an SDK would be - and I would guess the SP SDK is more complex than the MP one.

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Originally posted by Kengo

and I would guess the SP SDK is more complex than the MP one.

Indeed. In SP gameplay issues with npcs and scripts have to be taken into consideration. I would think that there would be a lot more to worry about in SP.


On the bright side, at least there would be no admin mods for SP. Although, I'm sure some people would try to ban rockettroopers and reborn for laming...

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