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This is a sad day for the NHL

ET Warrior

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I still think my feelings on his punishment are required in order for a more just punishment to be considered appropriate.


Originally posted by yours truly, Andy867

I will say that his act was that of a coward who is also a lousy excuse of a human being and should be put out of his misery. I feel that the ONLY punishment that will be appropriate is not only that of a permanent ban from the NHL, but a $150,000 fine from the NHL, $50,000 from the Canucks(Since they are responsible for their players' actions), plus criminal charges that will include $10M in damages and medical expenses and $20.5M in punitive damages (OUT OF POCKET for all this I might add) since there is a good chance that Moore will no longer be able to walk, more less play hockey, and at least 1-3 years in prison for assault and battery and intent to create bodily harm). And thats only the start of my idea for punishment

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And what would people be saying if he just got up off the ice without an injury?????


It's a contact sport, people will do stupid things like this. The players do wear padding, and that is not the case in all contact sports. I will make no comment about what happened since all I have seen is a very short piece of footage, and that can easily be taken out of context.


It's sport, get over with it. It's not like it was a bomb planted on a Spanish train.


Lets get a little bit of PERSPECTIVE

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Uh huh, after sacking the quarterback in american football, I would proceed to stand back about five yards, let the QB get back up slightly, then nail his ass again. Yeah, I would have done a stupid thing like that in my high-school footbal days.


By the way, I hope you noticed that statement was dripping with sarcasm.


I think it's you that needs the perspective adjustment. Especially since this was a.) premeditated and b.) potentially life-threatening.

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What should be noted in that particular game is that Moore had ALREADY been in a fight with a Vancouver player, so that there should have settled the score, but Bertuzzi, with his team having their asses handed to them 9-2 with 8:32 left, got onto the same shift as Moore and was constantly hounding him after moore repeatedly refused to fight him. And then thats when Bertuzzi grabbed him by the back of the jersey, sucker punched him in his blind spot, and then took him by the back of the head and drove him face first into the ice. This was obviously more than just your contact sport hit as noted by others. This was a premeditated and intent to INJURE hit. He knew that he was going to be hurt and he is only "sad" that he got suspended because of it. My feelings are that Bertuzzi should be banned from hockey because there is no telling that this will be the LAST time that he will devise a way to injure someone in a retalitory manner. He is a simple goon and is NOT welcome in the NHL and should be sent to jail for aggravated assault and use of deadly force.

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To both of you


Go to Madrid and tell them all about Premeditation and Intent to Injure/Kill.


I think they will tell you to go jump.....


Sport, aggrevated assault and such petty matters are nothing in comparison to such acts as witnessed in Spain.


Contact sport is littered with fights, fisticuffs and stupid players who will take a cheap shot at another player. When a player in ice hockey puts another player into the glass, is his intent not to injure and premeditated? Is not an Aussie Rules player who hits a player in the head doing the same when making a tackle??

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I watched that movie a few more times and it was a cheap shot, but the slamming of the face into the ice wasn't intentional. From the angle, it looks like it was, but he was actually pulling back for another hit and Moore fell foward. And that Avalance player falling on em probably didn't help the whole 'face-eat-ice' part.

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I am sick of hearing about this, every time the news, espn or anybody remotely talks about hockey they gotta bring this up, it was hot news last week but now its just old and busted news. The NHL is already in a hole and this isnt helping it get out of it.

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Originally posted by BCanr2d2

To both of you


Go to Madrid and tell them all about Premeditation and Intent to Injure/Kill.


I think they will tell you to go jump.....


Yeah, and if your best friend got jumped on the street by a bunch of thugs, i'll bet people in Madrid would tell YOU to go jump. Just because something worse happened doesn't mean that we suddenly should just ignore situations like this and just sigh and say.."Hm, well Spain is having a rougher time I guess"



I watched that movie a few more times and it was a cheap shot, but the slamming of the face into the ice wasn't intentional.

I've seen it about 20 or more times, and for a while I thought maybe the slamming of the head into ice wasn't intentional, but then I thought about it rationally.

Bertuzzi grabbed Moore's Jersey and pulled him backwards. Now Bertuzzi has 40 pounds on Moore, and he's a lot stronger, so Moore is suddenly getting his momentum shifted backwards. Then as soon as Bertuzzi hits Moore, he's unconcious. You can see it in his body and in his face. So Moore is not doing anything but letting gravity take over. Gravity would have dictated that Moore slump backwards or sideways, the way he was pulled/hit. But Bertuzzi put HIS momentum into Moore,and drove his head into the ice. That was not accidental.


And then after Moore was down you can see bertuzzi cock his hand back to throw another punch! Nikolishin diving in to stop Bertuzzi is the only thing that stopped him.

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