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This is a sad day for the NHL

ET Warrior

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Tonight, in a 9-2 shelacking of the Colorado Avalanche over the Vancouver Canucks, Todd Bertuzzi took his revenge on Steve Moore in an absolutely uncalled for fashion.


The history...earlier in the year, Moore went in for a hit on Marcus Naslund of the Canucks. The hit was clean but rough, and Naslund suffered a concussion, and Vancouver made it known that there was a 'bounty' on Moore's head.


Well the bounty has been called in. And Moore is in the hospital.


Bertuzzi came up from behind Moore late in the game, grabbed him from behind, pulled him to him, sucker punched him in the head, and the pile-drived his face into the ice. Moore was laying unconcious in a pool of his own blood in seconds. He was taken out on a stretcher.


This saddens me immensly. This is such a bad day in the NHL. What Bertuzzi did was wrong, and terrible, and I hope that he is kicked out of the NHL for his actions.

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Originally posted by BCanr2d2

What???? A game of Ice Hockey broke out from a fight.....


C'mon, for one of the games best known for uncalled for contact, since when is a cheap shot out of order??


This was a cheap shot on a player unsuspecting of what was about to happen to him and he had to be carried off on a stretcher. It was the worst thing I have ever seen happen to a player. I, myself, hope that Todd Bertuzzi is banned from the NHL for this despicable act.

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yeah i'm sitting in my computer class with a friend of mine and we both live in colorado so we're feeling this a little bit more than anyone else. another point to mention is that in 2000 an incident happened similiar to this about some player swinging his stick and hitting a defenseless and unsuspecting player. result: assault charges


i wouldn't be too surprised if the same thing happens.

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Here is a picture of Moore laying unconcious on the ice.



This is what ZeeMan is talking about.


Marty McSorley of the Boston Bruins took an axe swing at Donald Brashears head.


I'd say Bertuzzi's act was as bad if not worse than was McSorley did. Both of those were acts of cowardice.



And I would say you aren't feeling this anymore than me. I've lived breathed and died Avalanche hockey since they moved here in 95-96. Same with Raven I know. And Feanaro.


I want Todd Bertuzzi out of the NHL.

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I wish the league had set the hearing to decide how long of a suspension Bertuzzi will serve was today. But tomorrow morning I am gonna check and see exactly how long it is.


No player deserves what happened to Moore and I am appalled that someone would do it. I HATE the Canucks for the crap they pulled in the entire game and I especially cannot believe Bertuzzi would take it that far.

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"Todd Bertuzzi deserves to be suspended for 20 games for his attack on Steve Moore."


only 20? this is extremely ridiculous (not the punishment, but what this jackass 1336.jpg did)

everybody knows hockey is more than 'just a game' for these ppl, but not that far as some kind of maffiosi behaviour. damn coward of a bertuzzi

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Well, before I say anything that will get myself banned (already been banned for 2 weeks from Yahoo! Message Boards discussion over this very topic) I will say that his act was that of a coward who is also a lousy excuse of a human being and should be put out of his misery. I feel that the ONLY punishment that will be appropriate is not only that of a permanent ban from the NHL, but a $150,000 fine from the NHL, $50,000 from the Canucks(Since they are responsible for their players' actions), plus criminal charges that will include $10M in damages and medical expenses and $20.5M in punitive damages (OUT OF POCKET for all this I might add) since there is a good chance that Moore will no longer be able to walk, more less play hockey, and at least 1-3 years in prison for assault and battery and intent to create bodily harm). And thats only the start of my idea for punishment

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Originally posted by Kain

I watched that video and all I gotta say is DAMN.


I've seen plenty of fights in the NHL, but what I saw today on sportscenter was probably the lowest thing anyone could ever do. I hope the guy gets permanently banned from the league. What he did was hardly "professional."

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I totally agree that Bertuzzi should be out at least for a whole year. Criminal charges will most likely happen. He totally new what he was doing, right from where he started to follow Moore. That proves premeditation. As a hockey player he should always be in control of himself. No matter the circumstances.

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I'm not going to try to defend Bertuzzi, because what he did was wrong and pre-meditated. But maybe, since all the adreniline pumping, he didn't really run the consequences through his beady little head and just acted on the moment.


Still, Bertuzzi needs a straight ass kicking for that crap.

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I would agree with you there Kain, except that his attack was premeditated. They've been planning on doing something to Moore for WEEKS, ever since his (legal!) hit on Naslund that gave him a concussion.


And before the hit, Bertuzzi was following Moore around the ice, practically stalking him. Bertuzzi has disgraced his team by his actions.

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