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[SPOILER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!] What happens if you play as female? [SPOILER!!!!!]


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no body changed your sex , Revan is either male or female depending on which sex you choose at the begining of the game


if you choose male then when Revan unmasks Revan is male


if you choose female then when Revan unmasks Revan is female

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  • 2 weeks later...
Originally posted by Kebric

It's kind of weird though, because in the unmasking scene - my female characters pony tail was sticking out of the back of her hood.


its funny when you mod your character to be wearing the revan robes instead of say clothes , his/her head pokes out the side when they turn to look at something , you see this hunk of head come out

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I'd figure that Canderous *assumes* Revan is male. Canderous didn't face Revan in battle personally (or he'd be dead, obviously), he was merely in a battle where Revan participated. At best, he'd have seen Revan from a distance, cloaked, hooded, and masked. Canderous seems like the type to assume that anyone capable enough in battle to defeat Mandalore *must* be a male. I'd say his referring to Revan as 'he' whether you're male or female fits.


Sidenote: The text doesn't refer to Revan as 'he', even when Canderous's voice says it.

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Originally posted by Koyasha

Sidenote: The text doesn't refer to Revan as 'he', even when Canderous's voice says it.

There are several instances of this in the game. One of the obvious is the first line of dialog that you hear/read after leaving the apartment on Taris :D

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Hey DarthBuzzard they aren't being mean... they are just trying to help you from being banned for spamming that's all.


The moderators are all pretty cool around here, just excessive spamming will get you into trouble on these boards.


I hope this helps to clairify! :D

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Originally posted by RedHawke

The moderators are all pretty cool around here

I agree at 100% :devsmoke:


just excessive spamming will get you into trouble on these boards.

I agree with this too :dev11:


To get back on topic:

Originally posted by kipperthefrog

if canderus called revan male at first, rather hes male or NOT, maybie the writers of the game didnt think the speech line through!

True but Canderous may have never seen Revan. I think he says that but I am not sure - the only thing I am sure about is that he doesn"t say that he has seen Revan.


On the other hand, Juhani refers to Revan as "she". When you tweak some Globals, you can access some extra dialog after the Leviathan in which Juhani tells you that she never saw Revan.


I think Revan can either be male or female. Personally I find the game more involving when playing as a female. The more the pc ressembles you, the more you get involved.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Originally posted by BlackDark

I am playing with woman now and i's strange! :)

I got bug i think. :(

Carlth is not talking to me anymore i am at last starmap planet korreban now and i cant talk to carlth, and there isn't Dusstill :(


ups i heard that there on correbean is special item traider, where?

Blackdark, regarding Dustil, he will not appear unless you have initiated Carth's side quest. Check out "Carth's Son Side Quest" under #2 on this page.


Regarding, the Korriban merchant, you've asked this question before and I find myself anwering it a second time. Just like last time, I am going to refer you to #10 on this page.


Please use the walkthrough before posting your questions. A majority of the questions that you post can be answered using this resource.



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Let me just say this. Some of the conversations are gnder-less, unless you really talk to like Bastila, the Jedi Counsel on Dantoonie, Malak, and some other people. Canderous, Carth, Juhani, etc. didn't know you are Revan until AFTER Levithan. And, at that point, you have almost beaten the game, and it won't matter too much anymore. There are somethings I would like to see, but I won't say what they are, due to keeping this place G or PG rating. :)

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