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is clone wars cartoon official cannon


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it trends a fine line indeed.


basically anything not in one of the movies is EU... i.e if its not written by GL himself.

the clone wars is as close to cannon as EU gets, but its still technically EU because someone else's work. however because of GL involvement that should make it cannon, but then as far as i know all he did was give certain things he wanted in it and certain thing he didn’t....


so my verdict = semi-cannon



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Not nessesarily, some EU books made before TPM conflict with the cannon story line of the Clone Wars. Like in the Thrawn trilogy they talk about the clones coming from a hidden Imperial base on a planet whose name Ive forgotten. It was controlled by the Emperor. However it could work if Palpatine created that cloning facility after he perhaps stoll the technology from the Kaminoans which we might see in Ep 3. But regardless its still EU and not cannon.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Actually I think I've killed more post than you.


As for cannon I don't really care anymore after kung fu yoda. All I care about is could it have happened in the OT, as far as I'm concerned if it didn't happen in fanfics it's cannon, but I ignore the crap I don't like.


Jar-Jar? What's that?

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Originally posted by Weiser_Cain


...but I ignore the crap I don't like.


Jar-Jar? What's that?


he he - that's the attitude I like. I don't ignore him though - i tend to think of alternative ways he could have a horrific accident:)


As you've said - you can either ignore it or take it - if you want it to be part of the official canon and take it as part of the star wars bible, then do so.


If you don't, then don't - e.g. jacen and anakin solo, yuhzang vong (or whatever) etc in the books - all bollocks if you ask me.

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Just a thought but wasn't it Jar Jar's fault that the entire Empire was allowed to form and Palpatine was able to gain absolute power since Jar-Jar allowed some sort of vote to happen in the Senate?


Also, shouldn't the star wars novels that came after the OT be considered as sort of an "alternate" Star Wars storyline? Especially the great Bantam Spectra (what's their new name?) books series which I plan on collecting all of them once I can find/purchase them.

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Originally posted by Deeo

Just a thought but wasn't it Jar Jar's fault that the entire Empire was allowed to form and Palpatine was able to gain absolute power since Jar-Jar allowed some sort of vote to happen in the Senate?


Everything is Jar Jar's fault - war, poverty, pollution, the serious situation in the middle east, my crap job - EVERYTHING!!!


Horrific death for Jar Jar please Mr. Lucas!


I must apologise for turning every thread into a Jar Jar bashing one.


GL didn't write the clone wars so it's NOT official, but i'd be VERY suprised if he wrote something to contradict it.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Originally posted by Deeo

Just a thought but wasn't it Jar Jar's fault that the entire Empire was allowed to form and Palpatine was able to gain absolute power since Jar-Jar allowed some sort of vote to happen in the Senate?



I think your onto something there.


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Originally posted by Weiser_Cain

Starwars seems to be full of holes. Why does it matter if it happens while lucas isn't holding the pen?


You're lucky it's not Star Trek, but then I wouldn't know how to deem it worse than "full of holes" continuity-wise. Not that I care about Star Trek a whole lot anyhow, but for the most part, excluding a few games, books, comics, SW is pretty continuity-friendly.

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